Never have I played a game that removed content and put it all behind a paywall. This is a new low in the video game industry, and Activision and Bungie should be ashamed of themselves. I can no longer play the only things I enjoyed in the game, as they were all taken away.
I was thinking about buying TTK, but couldn't afford it just yet. So, I figured I would just do weeklies, play control, do some higher level strike playlists, and maybe some Iron Banner when it drops. Well, can't do any of that now. As a result of this under-handed business tactic, I will not be purchasing TTK, as I cannot support developers who treat their customers this way.
Now, before your even mention the EULA, know that there are consumer protection laws for some people, that prevent anyone from agreeing to an unfair contract, even if they previously accepted this agreement. And, I believe they are in violation of these LAWS, which the EULA is not.
*EDIT: for those interested, I have filed formal complaints with the BBB, as well as the Washington State Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division. I guess we will see just how far Bungie is legally allowed to take things, and if they are legally in the wrong.
As consumers, it is our right to complain of injustices, regardless of EULA's. Anyone refuting this fact is nothing short of ignorant. Now we will see what the law has to say.
*Edit: it's amazing how toxic this community is. It seems there is no camaraderie in this community, and people just resort to personal attacks at the first sign of someone having a different opinion, or a genuine issue with the product. Bungie, in my opinion, made a shitty decision, and showed they don't care for anyone who does not purchase TTK, and all the fanboy's can't see past their blind love for the game.
So I pose a question to everyone. Ignoring the EULA, what do you think of the way Bungie has handled this expansion roll-out with regards to those that have not purchased it? Put yourselves in their shoes, and give an honest answer.
*Edit: For those that care, the BBB complaint has been processed, and Activision has until October 02, 2015 to respond. Apparently hundreds of people have filed complaints against Activision for various games, with amicable resolutions. There is hope.
*Edit: just to clear a misunderstanding. I own the game and the first 2 expansions. I paid over $100 for all that just like everyone else. I don't want anything for free. I just want what I have always had... What everyone always had.
*Edit: So, Activision responded to my complaint, and had the following to say:
[quote]I understand your frustrations, I have dealt with other cases similar to yours. Unfortunately we are not in a situation to provide refunds or compensation. Unfortunately the only thing I am capable of doing for you is to pass along any feedback you might have. I do not know if this policy will change in the future. If there was more I could do, I would do it with no questions asked. For now if you have any more feedback please feel free to update this case along with your Gamertag/PSN ID. Thank you for your time and have a good day.[/quote]
They assume that all I want is money. I just want the features back. I already responded to them, and the BBB case. It seems Activision really doesn't care to solve the issue... big surprise there.
*Edit: For those that have not seen this. If Bungie is forced to do this, does that not mean their EULA was in violation of these customer's rights? They are forced to right a wrong, and have been given a reasonable window in which to address it. And yes, they are providing storage upgrades.
*Edit: To all those following this, I have just received a response back from the Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division of Washington State. They have reviewed my complaint, and deemed it appropriate to move forward. Note, this is a law office deeming this a valid complaint regarding the Consumer Protection Act. So, if they see this as a valid complaint, what right does anyone else have to label this otherwise? They know the law better than you.
*Edit: This may be my final edit. For those interested, it appears you can get a refund on your purchase by sending your disc into Activision, and requesting a refund. As per Bungie's EULA, if you do not agree with the terms therein, you are entitled to a refund. So, any guardians out there that don't agree with what happened, and would like a refund, just send your disc to Activision and request one. One final note, should you do this, Bungie will apparently delete your characters and Destiny account from their servers; you have been warned.
I can't afford 40?
Post proof of your filed complaints.
Even though I bought TTK I find it a shitty practice (I bought it because it seemed to be getting pretty good prelim reviews, thus far I am not dissapointed). They did indeed block off some of the old activities to encourage purchase of the DLC, I was very frustrated when they did this with TDB, and HoW. On one hand I understand the need to bring the game forward, with a "shared world experience" trying to keep everyone on the same page is essential to up the (for lack of a better term) fun factor. However, if you have been enjoying the game pre-TTK, chances are you were enjoying the weeklies, dailies, and Crucible shenanigans. Locking those out behind the pay wall of TTK permanently is just shitty business practice regardless of EULA. I understand having the first week, and weeks interspursed throughout that include only the new content, but if it's a permanent lockout that's a different story. So, I am glad you're going to the BBB and justice system to see what can be done to prevent such practice. Good on ya my friend.
I guess you could say the content was "taken" by oryx. TRUE KINGS FALL BOSS CONFIRMED
I understand where people are coming from with this. I woke up on Tuesday and decided to play a little to maybe get some marks before going to work. I hadn't picked up my TTK copy yet so I didn't expect much. I was actually shocked that I had almost nothing to do. There was a flash of irritation, but not much. I just had to wait until after work. That being said, while I understand the frustration, I don't agree with it. Your first mistake is comparing this game to any other. It's not CoD, or Halo, or WoW. The model for this game is kind of new. If not completely new. Most other games are a one shot. They make a game and release it, and that's about it. The only reason most of the time a "sequel" comes out, it's because of the success of the first. It typically isn't planned to go beyond that. Each following sequel is predicated on the success of the previous. Even if it's a planned series, they spend considerably more time between releases. I'm not certain if the developers expected, or wanted to continue WoW for 10+ years, but here we are. I do know that it's a sequel, for all intents and purposes. Designed to capitalize on the success of its predecessors. I won't go immediately into detail about the differences between DLCs and expansions, as we're focusing on content lock out, but I could. The key thing nobody is really focusing on here, is how Destiny was planned. This was, from the beginning (roughly I'm sure), a 10 year plan. It's not a series of standalone games about the same story. It's not games released every other year. It is a constantly evolving and changing story/game. I'm pretty certain Bungie didn't plan, expect, or want you to just buy Destiny and nothing else. They didn't plan for you to just stagnate in Vanilla, or TBD, or HoW. They want, expect, and plan, that either you're along for the whole ride, or you're jumping off the train. I'm not going to insult anyone's intelligence, but I feel like they have been as transparent as possible about that. As much as a company can be. I'm sure it'd be bad PR if someone just stated that really bluntly. Even if they haven't been in your face about that expectation, this is as new a venture for them as it is for us. Bungie isn't screwing anyone over, it's not a shady business practice. It's just not what you're used to, but then again, there's plenty about Destiny that people aren't used to.
Go on, I dare you. File a law suit at Bungie. I bet you don't have the nuts or the money to do so. Even if you do, you'll lose. You have no rights here.
Ok, so by your theory... What is to say that content wasn't removed from COD, and Halo, then made people pay for it? Also, where is the proof that Bungie removed anything? Mind you, Activision was in on some of the COD games... So, theoretically, this could have happened before... Also, you agreed to the TOS. You knew what was coming out, and knew the limits of it. So, your complaint is moot due to the fact that you obviously haven't read the TOS, and are misinformed on what you think you are being ripoffed about.
Sorry to highjack here, but what all have vanilla players lost? Serious question
I agree with you they heavily restricted what you are allowed to do now if you didnt get ttk there is no reason to even play the game anymore really. However for $40 i feel like it was a good deal to purchase ttk and i am enjoying it alot
You agreed to the terms and conditions! Didnt you read it!
They didn't remove anything you can still play all the missions l, strikes, and raids before TTK. You just can't play endgame content which is meant to reward the best stuff.
I'm in the same boat as you and support your action. We're not looking for freebies. We're looking for the game we bought.
I have played this game for a ridiculous amount of time and I will continue to buy the content. I look at days worth of entertainment value for $140 as a way to both save money in the long run and provide me with a new and different experience every time.
The Taken Content* Ok
Good luck in your endeavors! Thanks for standing up to what you deem is incorrect, in my eyes that is quite admirable.
Edited by Bring Back SRL You Cowards: 9/18/2015 4:06:58 PMHopefully this is the thread that stops all the threads complaining about "being locked out of content" for non-TTK buyers. And before you go keyboard warrior and type up your counter-arguement, hear me out first. First: what Destiny is Destiny is a MMO/FPS. And for those that don't know: Destiny is a Massive Multiplayer Online/First-Person Shooter. It takes elements from an FPS in that when your character is in a combat zone, the game changes to a first-person perspective. What makes the game unique is that it is a disk-based, console exclusive MMO. Yes it is a MMO since it is a Massive Multiplayer with millions of players and it is entirely online based. Why Destiny is the way it is: One of the important aspects of Destiny is the fact that it is entirely played online. Upon putting the game disk in and launching the game, you are taken to a Destiny server. Now, what makes it interesting is that Destiny doesn't charge users a monthly fee for using their servers. Look at World of Warcraft, another MMO. Their game is free to download and login to, however users are charged a monthly fee because maintaining servers requires people to maintain it, thus requiring money. And since Destiny doesn't charge users a fee, it has to get it elsewhere. Destiny's pricing: Because Destiny doesn't charge a monthly fee for service, Destiny is not a subscription-based game. Destiny doesn't require a separate login from your PSN or Xbox Live account in order to operate. You pay a one-time fee to buy into the game (usually $60 or even $30) and that's it. The DLC's for the game, meanwhile, are priced to offset the lost from not having subscriptions. Afterall, Bungie is a business who's goal is to make a profit, obviously. Why TTK is justified for "locking" content: Reading the description of TTK, it explicitly says that it requires The Dark Below and House of Wolves expansions. The Taken King regularly re-visits them in missions and strikes and even changes strikes to fit TTK. It re-uses locations and makes references to them in dialogue. Weapons from the expansions and armor as well remain and some even brought over. So for non-TTK owners, content is locked because they don't have the necessary data downloaded. And Bungie is entirely justified in doing so because in the terms and conditions, Bungie states they may change or modify aspects of the game without warning and in order to attract new customers and keep old ones interested, they add content and those that did not buy the newest version of the game are locked out. From a networking perspective, Bungie can't just "make separate endgame content for non-TTK owners" because it requires new severs to be built and the servers flow and control and maintenance would be incredibly expensive and time-consuming as compared to just having all servers upgraded to the newest content available. You bought the beta of Destiny yes, and content was available to you and still is, but endgame content was extra and the extras must portray the latest and greatest available. To end this long thread, by not buying TTK, you're telling Bungie "I no longer want to play Destiny" so Bungie said "Alright then."
I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand It's true that you can't do the nf/weekly, but that's just a reward thing. You can still do the actual strikes, you just don't get the rewards (or the added challenge of the nf to be fair). But arguably that chance of getting the exotic has been replaced by xur selling year one engrams... On the other hand there is definitely less to do for you, which sucks. If you were serious about what you said about the BBB and the consumer protection agency, good luck. These things usually take years and $ to see through. As an aside, I really enjoy TTK. This is what vanilla Destiny should have been. But if you choose not to buy it because you don't want to support the business model, I can respect that. Especially if you have a hard time scrounging the $ for it, I more than understand.
Do you not remember mass effect 3? There was dlc the day the game dropped everyone was pissed off about it and all said some shit but nothing happened
I haven't bought or played destiny in a while I quit a bit ago to get back into warframe because it's what destiny wants to be, yet the games it's self is free. If they locked content and took it away then I'm not buying ttk, one of my favorite things to play that I paid for in destiny was probably trials even though how broken it was and I heard they took it away. Probably only gonna give it back to the people who bought ttk but oh well, still got better games out right now and more to come.
All of this over a video game. Wow
You have paid for dlc in the past how is this different? They have done the same thing with other games for easily over a decade, and when did you sign a contract to buy this game. I understand it sucks you can't afford the game and you are jealous and hurt, but they put in time and hard work so you gotta pay. You can't just walk into Ford and be like "last year I bought an f-150 and now you improved on it so give me a new one for free."
Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 9/18/2015 7:23:27 PMYour formal complaint will be laughed out the door. If you had actually read the Terms and Conditions there is a part that gives them the right to change or alter the game and its features anytime they wish without having to ask for permission. And you agreed to those Terms and Conditions before you ever even made your guardian. So tough luck champ.
Not sure if I care to support you, or not.
I quit playing mainly because of the community. I have been gaming about 20 years and never have been in such a shit hole toxic community. Also because bungie locked most of the year one content. And for all you dumb mother -blam!-ers who say people want content for free your -blam!-ing ignorant people payed 100 dollars for year one content which should be left playable and have ttk content locked. The majority of this games community who say destiny isnt for poor people your bitch ass parents most likely bought it for you and you had to spend months sucking dick and begging for mommy to buy it. As I do not play anymore your fail ass troll opinions are irrevelant and you can suck my cock. Have a nice day.
I agree. You sir have to be the only one in the community taking some action
I own ttk and love it so much, but you're blind if you think people who didn't buy the expansion did not get -blam!-ed over.