You sir, are an idiot. If you read the terms you would know they have the right to take away anything they want. Even then, you still have all the stuff you had when you bought the game. When did you buy this game? I think you must be new here because it has been the same story with TDB and HoW. To be honest, if you don't like the rules, don't play.
[spoiler]tell me if you are quitting so I can make the deej and harold ryan post[/spoiler]
No vendors, no daily, no weekly, no nightfall, just easy mode missions, no Iron Banner...I think that's more than enough to say he's right.
He's right? Nobody has ib right now. Also, you were locked from the other stuff in the other dlcs so this is nothing new.
No. They were still able to buy stuff from vendors, play heroic missions, play daily/nightfall/weekly heroic if they were non-dlc missions. Now it's different because they're stuck at 34. So solve the problem they should also be able to reach level 40 (because it literally means nothing but access) and a maximum lightlevel of 280. So they're still able buy stuff from the vendors and are able to do nightfall, weekly, daily IF the mission/strike is a non-dlc one, just like before.
Yes, but you're asking bungie to not only have all that stuff for the new level cap, but also to maintain it for the lower level cap as well. That's time and resources and its just a little ridiculous. All of those things mentioned are meant to evolve with each dlc, it's like natural selection, if you don't adapt to the new environment, then you die off. I'm on 360, if they announced that the next expansions weren't going to be on last gen and that they wouldn't be supporting it, then I'd need to buy a new console or be left behind.
Edited by TeddyBundy: 9/18/2015 5:20:11 AMThey won't do this and it would also be a shitmove. Destiny2 maybe, but shutting down support midgame would be a real shitmove. And the other thing isn't even a big deal. To solve the problem the non-dlc'ers should also be able to reach level 40 (because it literally means nothing but access) and a maximum lightlevel of 280. So they're still able buy stuff from the vendors and are able to do nightfall, weekly, daily IF the mission/strike is a non-dlc one, just like before. Not hard to implement and it would hurt no one.
Seriously, I never encountered a game that became basically unplayable after a year. Maybe some subscriptionbased games do this...but no standalone with some dlc's or an expansion. I think many players never would have bought it if this ws written on the back of the cover.
Everything that you paid for is still playable. The nightfalls, dailies, vendor weapons, etc. Were never meant to be static. They change and you have to change if you want to keep up with them. All story missions, strikes, and weapons that you've paid for, you can still use.
Edited by TeddyBundy: 9/18/2015 5:07:33 AMThat's the point. All important stuff that kept the players playing is gone. There's not even a difficulty setting left, just easymode. The question is: What did we originally pay for if all interesting stuff is subject to change/be taken away? No one ever would have thought that this would be a thing back in 2014, no one.