[b][i]*On the South Pole of Mars, the ShadowBorn Legion prepare for a mass-departure. Setting [u]SEED[/u] (Subspace Energization Explosive Devices) to detonate, destroying the South Pole and sending Mars into a massive climate change once they go off*[/i][/b]
[b][i]*Tens of millions of transport ships fly to the edge of the Oort cloud and arrive at a hyper-massive yet somehow undiscovered planet... Strange radio waves emanate from the planet's poles, when decrypted, only one word is shown: [u]Niberu[/u]... The Legion is preparing something, and whatever it is must be stopped...*[/i][/b]
Edited by Potato: 9/17/2015 11:44:18 PMPotato
[spoiler]this is just an info post, I'll make a post where we're en route to the planet Redact the previous statement so you don't cause confusion[/spoiler]