Mmm... *athena goes over to pizza, cuts a quarter of it off, starts eating.... Face gets covered in pizza sauce from eating straight through middle* ((that's kinda how I am irl to lol))
"Yeah that's why I don't think they really cared because, they took your story and probably made into a religious text"
Yeah... Agreed... And any other normal people think I'm a monster because I'm a cyborg in the first place, but then they here about me brutally murdering my father...
"Well Everyspecies i've met so far has a beautiful woman and heck if it's a lady she deserves to be treated with respect and i don't really care about what you did in your past doesn't matter because, your a good person right now"
Exactly.... Nobody tries to understand who I am now, or the fact that I wasn't a cyborg by choice, they just assume I'm an animal
"Well than they want to see an animal show them to me when i'm mad they won't be standing for long"
*laughs* Thanks?
"Yeah so anyway I don't have any intresting stories unless you want to here the exploits of flirtation"
Why am I surprised to hear you say that?
"Well I don't have much for great stories so that's all I have so any past relationships for you"
Not really... I mean, until I was 18, I was always on the run, so I never got to know anyone well, and I only had one since but he's dead now... Only knew him for a year but.....
"I see well then looks like your at least experienced more in relationships than me" -he laughs softly trying to make a joke-
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you saying you've never actually had a girlfriend before?
"Yeah I know it's kind of funny isn't"
Yeah... I guess it is.
"Anyway your cake is ready want a slice"
Ok... Gimme some
"Yeah here" -He hands you a slice-
*Starts eating* Where did you learn how to make this? Jesus, it's good
"I don't know I just can" (I'm gonna go to sleep because it's about 11 where I am)
Lol... It's 2 for me... I always stay up till around 5am when u don't have to be up early... Cya