originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]Orin-Fel, now Taken, slowly flies around the Cosmodrome...Her eyes are red and orange but they have no soul in them[/b]
Edited by qwej: 9/18/2015 1:11:14 AM*Cregan laughs at the sight and continues to inspect his artifact it seemed to be legendary quality. It was the damned lute* "Would you look at that" (It's probably my favorite artifact in the TTK I'd have it on all my characters if it wasn't only a warlock artifact)
[b]The wizard shrieks, blinding him[/b]
*Cregan uses his other senses and launches a Nova Bomb at the wizard it hits the wizard. Cregan hears that it hit the wizard and starts to play a tune on his damned lute*
[b]The wizard shrieks again[/b]
*Cregan continues to play the tune*
Skavak is seen scavenging parts from a crashed Guardian ship, making a noise that could be heard for miles.
[b]She shrieks and he is blinded, she then starts shooting at him with gigantic fire balls[/b]
One of the fireballs hit his shoulder, and Skavak is knocked to the ground, confused.
[b]The fire keeps pounding him[/b]
Skavak fires a clip from the Monte Carlo blindly, trying to hit his attacker.
[b]The fire starts burning through his armor as it keeps hitting him[/b]
Skavak feels the fire's searing heat and cries out in pain. He tries to desperately get up to escape.
[b]The Wizards fire temporarily stops, enough to let him run[/b]
Skavak runs away and dives behind the wreckage, still in great pain. "What are you?!" He yells at his attacker, still blinded.
[b]He hears the Wizards incomprehensible speaking[/b]
Skavak throws a grenade in the direction of the voice.
[b]He feels the fireballs again[/b]
Edited by Jackal: 9/18/2015 1:46:46 AMSkavak ducks behind the wreckage, hoping to avoid the fire. [i]What is this thing?![/i] He thought to himself.
[b]His vision clears up[/b]
Skavak looks at the Wizard, them back down again. "Finally, I know what you are!"
[b]It shrieks and starts firing at him again[/b]
He ducks and starts loading the Happy Boomer, whips around and fires a rocket.
[b]The rocket misses Orin[/b]
Skavak reloads his Monte Carlo and begins firing at the Wizard.
[b]The wizard shrieks so loudly it hurts his ears and blinds him[/b]