originally posted in:Famous 8
Welcome to King's Fall Raid Normal Finder. Be sure you "LIKE" or save to your "Favorites" so it will be easier to find in the future.
King's Fall Raid Bosses
~ Warpriest
~ Golgoroth
~ Oryx The Taken King
~ Normal Level 40, 290 Light
Post Your
~ Level/Light
~ Type
~ Weapons
~ Check Point Needed
~ Gamer Tag
{Example ~ Lvl 40/Light 302 Hunter, Max Gally, Oryx Cp Normal}
Thank You & Good Luck Out there!! :)
P.s. I'm always running raids so Message me or Add me if needed help and if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you out!
~ Lvl 40/ Light 306 ~ Hunter
~ Lvl 40/ Light 294 ~ Warlock
~ Lvl 40/ Light 294 ~ Titan
I also have a Clan for XboxOne players to get connected easier, We are Open for everyone and always down to help out each other and have fun doin it and of course making new friends. You can also join our Famous 8 Alliance!
Yes we help with all raids!
~ Famous 8
~ Easy way to find us.
Wow, thank you so much for 23k posts!! Bring on more posts!!
Need one 315 plus Titan for oryx cp message D4RKVOID on Xbox for invite
Need 4 for fresh run I'm just helping people out so message me for invite GT: Go To Orbit
Need 5 fresh kings fall raid msg gt same as above
GT same as above! Lvl 40 +292 light Titan never done KingsFall looking for team willing to change that. No mic but won't rush ahead and can hear in party chat.
Look for 2 fresh kf, gr8 same
Need 2 people for Oryx checkpoint. Know what you are doing 313 Warlock 300+ Msg Humeman for invite.
Need 2 at sisters mic needed Get same as above
Need 5 300 +for fresh normal raid msg me for invite DON DEEZZY must have mics and know what your doing
Need 4 for golgoroth cp. message for invite. GT: WICKED FREAK11
317 Hunter needs 3 for fresh normal message mehoymenoi for an invite
310 Titan looking for 5 experienced guardians for golgoroth cp normal kings fall message LIKE A B0SS 487 for invite (B0SS uses a zero instead of an o)
Have cp for sisters, 300 Titan. Gt strawleaf14
Fresh run normal please be 300+ Message my gt Zalbarr for an invite
310 Titan trying to run two friends through who have never done it before. Need 3 more for fresh. Send msg. Same GT as above
Need 2 for oryx
295 titan looking to try the raid for the first time, anyone out there will to help? Gt F0urleafTayback, the o is a zero
Need 5 for Crota hard Msg Physicsboiiii33
310 Titan looking for two hunters for golgoroth cp normal kings fall message LIKE A B0SS 487 for invite (B0SS uses a zero instead of an o)
Normal raid 305 light Fresh Gt HkBan
310 Titan looking for a hunter for golgoroth cp normal kings fall message LIKE A B0SS 487 for invite (B0SS uses a zero instead of an o)
310 Titan looking for a hunter for golgoroth cp normal kings fall message LIKE A B0SS 487 for invite (B0SS uses a zero instead of an o)
Raid normal fresh 304+ need 3 message Diceyyyyy for invite
Lvl 309 hunter know what I'm doing invite jtrothmann
Also I have a mic
Edited by Bloomer131: 3/26/2016 9:34:02 PMNeed 2 for fresh experienced Gt same as above
I am new to this and really want to play. I got a 280 Titan can be defender if desired. Also all three char are 40