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9/18/2015 5:09:02 PM
So if you buy have 2 account on your ps3 and you buy the dark below on one and how on the other that prevents you from buying the taken king because they're not on the same account

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  • This I understand. I have been able to play HoW content even though my wife purchased it with her account. If bungie has changed their policy as to this aspect, I just want an answer. I'm not saying they don't have the right to do so but it is a decision that could and has affected much of their player base. Explaining this directly wouldn't make it an easier pill to swallow, but at least I would know. I'm not well versed in legal speech so reading parts of the eula for me can be left to interpretation, and I don't want to be left guessing. Your point is likely valid and we are all guessing the same thing, we would like a clear answer from bungie really.

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