This clock boy situation
The Beatles.
80's music, they play it every other day at work. It drives me insane.
Bernie Sanders Feminism Those two currently I kind of think pretty much everything can be overrated it depends on how annoying and fervent the people are
University of Alabama football
Edited by Sapphire: 9/18/2015 9:08:05 PMI don't know •~• Classic rock?
Edited by tjustie: 9/19/2015 7:05:26 PMSkyrim Bacon Pugs Public beaches Nutella
Bacon. It's tasty, but with everyone saying it's godly, or the best food ever, it kinda was over hyped for me.
Bramd - old
Destiny the taken king, destiny house of wolves, destiny the dark below, destiny vault of glass, destiny. Sure, Oryx is huge and strong, but that just means tons of hype -
Just about anything made after 2003. It's like the cutoff date for originality.
Edited by unknownuserh: 9/20/2015 3:03:54 PMMost modern mainstream music [spoiler]disclaimer: I am not a hipster[/spoiler]
Edited by The Cellar Door: 9/20/2015 4:15:45 AMITT: edgy non-conformists n' shit
This thread is dark and full of bad opinions.
The Beatles Anime Hating on Police Ronda Rousey New England Patriots Seattle Seahawks Kanye West
Edited by Lord Of Seaguls: 9/19/2015 1:21:25 PMFootball Pizza (still like it but way to overrated) Basketball Huskies Any baby animal that turns into deadly carnivore Football Cheerleaders Dance company's Chipotle Mc Donald's Football Vines Football iPhones Goats
The word overrated is overrated.
I will never understand why people like Rap, Dubstep, Or country. I enjoy some nice Classical when I work.