Do you not remember mass effect 3? There was dlc the day the game dropped everyone was pissed off about it and all said some shit but nothing happened
Edited by DC_Rich: 9/18/2015 8:20:22 PMThat is different. Bullshit, but still different. Did this dlc lock out previously accessible features?
What convenient timing i just happened to read something that will shut yall down
[quote]Hopefully this is the thread that stops all the threads complaining about "being locked out of content" for non-TTK buyers. And before you go keyboard warrior and type up your counter-arguement, hear me out first. First: what Destiny is Destiny is a MMO/FPS. And for those that don't know: Destiny is a Massive Multiplayer Online/First-Person Shooter. It takes elements from an FPS in that when your character is in a combat zone, the game changes to a first-person perspective. What makes the game unique is that it is a disk-based, console exclusive MMO. Yes it is a MMO since it is a Massive Multiplayer with millions of players and it is entirely online based. Why Destiny is the way it is: One of the important aspects of Destiny is the fact that it is entirely played online. Upon putting the game disk in and launching the game, you are taken to a Destiny server. Now, what makes it interesting is that Destiny doesn't charge users a monthly fee for using their servers. Look at World of Warcraft, another MMO. Their game is free to download and login to, however users are charged a monthly fee because maintaining servers requires people to maintain it, thus requiring money. And since Destiny doesn't charge users a fee, it has to get it elsewhere. Destiny's pricing: Because Destiny doesn't charge a monthly fee for service, Destiny is not a subscription-based game. Destiny doesn't require a separate login from your PSN or Xbox Live account in order to operate. You pay a one-time fee to buy into the game (usually $60 or even $30) and that's it. The DLC's for the game, meanwhile, are priced to offset the lost from not having subscriptions. Afterall, Bungie is a business who's goal is to make a profit, obviously. Why TTK is justified for "locking" content: Reading the description of TTK, it explicitly says that it requires The Dark Below and House of Wolves expansions. The Taken King regularly re-visits them in missions and strikes and even changes strikes to fit TTK. It re-uses locations and makes references to them in dialogue. Weapons from the expansions and armor as well remain and some even brought over. So for non-TTK owners, content is locked because they don't have the necessary data downloaded. And Bungie is entirely justified in doing so because in the terms and conditions, Bungie states they may change or modify aspects of the game without warning and in order to attract new customers and keep old ones interested, they add content and those that did not buy the newest version of the game are locked out. From a networking perspective, Bungie can't just "make separate endgame content for non-TTK owners" because it requires new severs to be built and the servers flow and control and maintenance would be incredibly expensive and time-consuming as compared to just having all servers upgraded to the newest content available. You bought the beta of Destiny yes, and content was available to you and still is, but endgame content was extra and the extras must portray the latest and greatest available. To end this long thread, by not buying TTK, you're telling Bungie "I no longer want to play Destiny" so Bungie said "Alright then."[/quote]
sigh... Destiny is NOT an MMO, so should not be classified or compared as such. I mean, for starters, all the PVP modes are hosted using peer to peer tech; not even on Bungie's servers. They only use a master server to connect people and resolve disconnects.
Still doesn't change the fact that you agreed to the terms of use bud they can do whatever they want
They can do whatever they want, except violate laws. This is what I am trying to find out; Have they violated consumer protection laws by removing features I previously paid for, and have every right to play?
You don't buy a game, you license it.