Ok, so by your theory... What is to say that content wasn't removed from COD, and Halo, then made people pay for it? Also, where is the proof that Bungie removed anything? Mind you, Activision was in on some of the COD games... So, theoretically, this could have happened before... Also, you agreed to the TOS. You knew what was coming out, and knew the limits of it. So, your complaint is moot due to the fact that you obviously haven't read the TOS, and are misinformed on what you think you are being ripoffed about.
I was previously able to play modes and features that I paid for the right to play. Now I don't have access to those same features, so they were obviously removed. A ToS is only enforceable if it does not violate any laws. This is what I am trying to find out; whether or not they actually violated my rights as a consumer. People can say whatever they want, but unless they are a lawyer that can break it all down into text I can understand, anything they say means nothing.
Bungie posted numerous times what would be playable and what wouldn't... It's not like you weren't told... That's like going to a restaurant... They tell you they are out of something, then you try to order it, and get upset because they were out, even thought they told you they were out
So u have money for a lawyer but not 40 bucks for the game? 😪
[quote]So u have money for a lawyer but not 40 bucks for the game? 😪[/quote]