Has anyone else given the Antiquated Rune a shot in the court of oryx? Just got done trying it with 6 others and couldn't even get the bosses health halfway down. Any thoughts?
Edit: got it done with a 3 man team you guys were right it's easy when you get the buff
You've gotta get lucky and have both enough people and people that are strong enough
We had 9 people and it was easy as hell
Did 3 times back to back with a 3 man team
Me and 4 other random people did it yesterday. It was awesome!
Did it with 3. Shoot the eyes to get a damage buff. Kill the big ogre then the wizard.
Got one two days ago, I didn't think it was difficult at all.
One dropped for me when I killed some Taken Wizard, says I have to kill 7 other Taken to charge it
I'm going to be doing my second and third one later today.
289 titan looking to do tier 3 add Criminal_Daddy if you have antiquated rune
if you know how to work you can do it like me : 5 times in a row could get more but was raiding
Anyone with an antiquated rune, mind doing it with me? Xbox one. I don't have one and need it for a quest and bounty. Would be very very much appreciated. Thanks!
I've had 6 Antiquated runes drop for me and have completed 5, pretty fun fight and fight mechanics, not as fun as the Tier 2 runes though.
You have to kill the maleficent eyes to get an ogre buff. The buff stacks too. If you just shoot the ogre it will take forever and probably won't work.
Beat it with a group of 5 while at 260 light. Its hard, but not impossible!
6-7 people with supers will down her on the first cycle.
Hey how'd you get your cloak to 299? I wanna get my exotic dead orbit one up.
I want to try out a strategy, but don't have a group to do it with. Behind the court there are two columns, and two people can snipe from there without getting hit. The guys in the court clear ads. Once the ogres down, the guys on the columns jump into the court and DPS the witch with the rest.
Completed it 5 times in a row in less than 2 minuets with 7 people
Did it with randoms last evening, finished it twice. I used defender with weapons of light.
Me and my fire team did two in a row and had no problem. We were all high light though. Make sure you shoot those orbs and everyone is doing as much dps to the ogre as possible.
Is an Antiquated Rune the Rune you need to summon tier 3 bosses?
Just be the right light level for it, shoot three eyes for the max damage, and go to town on the ogre. My sniper was hitting for 50k per shot at the time, and the ogre was down within a minute. The others for the most part were killing the mobs, and when the ogre was dead, I was basically the only one who even needed to do damage to the wizard with a 290+ sword. We had about a minute and fifteen seconds left when we finished.
I did it with 9 people we would beat tier 3 in like 45 seconds tier 2 in like 25 and tier 1 in maybe 10 it was awesome
I practically did it myself the first time. I had two randoms at about 240 light and I was 289ish. If I only had a hammer or 2 more, I would've killed the boss. But it got its shield back and summoned another Ogre. No way we were beating it in a minute.
It so easy you just need good weapons and communication
I clear already.if anyone need help im on ps4 lvl 296 add monchokamikaze