Have you read the terms of the game? You bought a licence to play specific things. You still have the same story you bought. The content you had access to was a licence and you clearly don't have that licence anymore.
If we have more people complaining like you what will happen next? You won't have access to anything but the main game until you buy dlc. Is that what you want. So bungie give you access to a bunch of stuff you didn't pay for and then when they take it away you fee like you've been stolen from? Nah not the case. Good luck with your complaint but I don't think anything will happen.
In case you can't read let me lay it out for you. He was given nothing that he didn't pay for he purchased exp1 and experience 2 and just didn't have the money yet for ttk but has been locked out of most content that he already paid for I completely agree with his point of view.
he didn't pay for IB, new strikes new crucible maps or nightfall. He got what was paid for and advertised in each pack. He wants endgame content without being at the endgame. it's insane people think they should have content and say they paid for it. The original things advertised was w story, he has that, crucible, he has that, strikes, he has that, a raid, he also has that. What he does not have, is end game content because he has not played until the end game. simple as that. The game is still playable. The day he cannot play crucible or strikes or even the vanilla/exp 1/2 story then it'll be a problem.