[b]You see carpets and the mahogany floors.[/b]
[b]he silently opens the door slightly and peeks out[/b]
Edited by DesertX963: 9/19/2015 3:29:17 AM"Ya like the place...I never did, it reminds me of a castle", Zenith says leaning on a wall behind you.
"You thought about what I said?"
"Depends....Why are you looking for her?"
"She is very important to me"
"How important?"
"Still haven't answered my question...what's your connection to her"
Edited by Kain The Slain: 9/19/2015 4:02:22 AM"Lets just say that she's more then just a friend and I care for her"
"....lover, or sibling?"
"...I still don't see why you need help finding her- unless you did something?"
"She may not recognize me or remember me"
"The hell do you need me for...I've never even met the woman?!?"
"But you can still help me. You wonder why I wear the mask it was to hide my identity and protect her. I used my abilities to make her forget me to protect her and now the threat has been dealt with and I need her to remember me"
"If you can make her forget....can you not make her remember?"
"Because I can't find her"
"...and so you go to a random guy who's never heard of her for help?!"
"No I go to a guy who knows someone who has met her"
"...what? Why didn't you just go to that said person in the first place- which is who exactly?"
"Because I don't know where to find that person I'm looking for Apex or Merrick"
"...stalker much?" "And WHAT?!?"
"I know many things Kai more then you could ever hope to know"
"Remind me to file a restraining order on you..."