I'm sure you have questions Guardian. Go on... You are free to ask.
Announcement: [spoiler]I am now appointing certain Guardians to be Field Representatives. That means you will help manage this post, and help to inform new followers of our ways and beliefs. It also means that you will help out other loyal members and newcomers in the field when assistance is required. Please PM me if you are interested. That is all.[/spoiler]
Current Appointed Field Representatives.[spoiler]The Ruler
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Chun, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Li, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Cayde-6 has agreed to be our Vanguard Representative. While he is not an Executor, I expect our loyal followers to still treat him as such and give him the respect he deserves.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Lakshmi-2 has decided to visit us every now and then. Although our ideals clash in many ways, she is still considered a member of the Consensus, and I hope that we can refrain from any "FWC sucks!" comments. Perhaps there are some questions she may be willing to answer. Again, I am not asking you to like FWC, just merely show restraint or respect to their representative.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Dude of Valor has been removed as a Field Representative. He has been welcomed to join the elite ranks of the New Monarchy Royal Guard. It is a prestigious honor. He has been recognized as someone with loyalty and skill worthy of protecting our ideal ruler. If you see him, remember to show respect. Maybe even congratulate him. May he act as a shining example for New Monarchy members.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Executor Nero has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect. Also, he has informed me that he is seeking Loyal Guardians to join a group/clan. While I am skeptical of its inner-workings, I have no doubt that it will be a great success. I support my fellow Executor and wish him the best. If you wish to join, please ask Executor Nero yourself.[/spoiler][spoiler]A fellow Executor by the name of Executor Grim has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
new monarchy sucks dead orbit 4life
I love new monarchy I have all the shaders and the ship the exotic class item and regular class item been a loyal new monarchy supporter since day 1!
Thank you for blessing me with Amalthea after only 5 ranks.
When do we start the coup... Err... I mean put forward the motion for the consensus to dissolve itself =)
Yeah so.. Who's the Monarch of the New Monarchy?
Other than the other factions being mindless children. Why do they talk shit about NM. I never hear you speak badly about them. What's the back story to all that? Why do the other factions hate us, despite us being better than them?
I don't know if this been asked yet but what is your back story? How did you become the leader of the New Monarchy? Also what is the reason for creating the New Monarchy? [spoiler]I believe there isn't hardly any lore about him but you can make it up if you want.[/spoiler]
How come it took 71 ranks to get 1 shader?
Edited by Bu Schitt: 10/14/2015 1:01:56 AMI am pretty damn devoted to New Monarchy. I am rank 31. I am a 308 Light Titan in nothing but New Monarchy gear. 309 Righteous VII, 309 Antinatomy XVI, and 306 Objection IV, 310 Kallipolis Crown, 310 Kallipolis Gauntlets, 308 Kallipolis Plate, 307 Kallipolis Greaves, and 306 Mark of the Executor. And have the ship, all six emblems, and all four shaders.
You Should join Dead Orbit, The darkness of Bungievision is coming soon. its time to bail before Pay to win consumes our city.
Just came from dead orbit I just wanted your cannon so sell me why I should stay
You should put the Seven Tenets of the New Monarchy here. [spoiler]Ghost Fragment: New Monarchy[/spoiler]
Thank you for giving me Amalthea at rank five. [spoiler]Any Executor has my vote.[/spoiler]
Edited by Executor Hideo: 10/14/2015 2:14:15 AMHas anyone else noticed Dead Orbit did some remodeling during Tess Everis' arrival?
If i have 17 apples and three of them get eaten, how many waffles were made on Tuesday afternoon?
Thank you for giving me Almathea!!!
I have been with you since day one. I LOVE YOU! <3
I just hooked up with you guys a few weeks ago. You are my first faction. Thanks for the help! Excuse me... I have darkness to kill
2 things. First, do you like bacon? Second, did you eat a banana for dinner? [spoiler]Secret number 3! Can I get our fusion rifle?[/spoiler]
Awesome sniper you gave me. Rodeo, Zen Moment and Explosive rounds. That will be a fun gun.
Got the new monarchy ship today !!!
I have enjoyed working for the NM as of recently, but before that I was a loyal supporter of the FWC, until I learned that they drove people mad with their machine, but I hope to find the NM a worthy cause.
how does it feel to provide guardians with the best weapons? [spoiler]im dead orbit so I wouldn't know[/spoiler]
I'm dead orbit
Got the cloak..:)
I must hide... Arach Red will take over... Please, Hideo, Friend...