I'm sure you have questions Guardian. Go on... You are free to ask.
Announcement: [spoiler]I am now appointing certain Guardians to be Field Representatives. That means you will help manage this post, and help to inform new followers of our ways and beliefs. It also means that you will help out other loyal members and newcomers in the field when assistance is required. Please PM me if you are interested. That is all.[/spoiler]
Current Appointed Field Representatives.[spoiler]The Ruler
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Chun, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Li, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Cayde-6 has agreed to be our Vanguard Representative. While he is not an Executor, I expect our loyal followers to still treat him as such and give him the respect he deserves.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Lakshmi-2 has decided to visit us every now and then. Although our ideals clash in many ways, she is still considered a member of the Consensus, and I hope that we can refrain from any "FWC sucks!" comments. Perhaps there are some questions she may be willing to answer. Again, I am not asking you to like FWC, just merely show restraint or respect to their representative.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Dude of Valor has been removed as a Field Representative. He has been welcomed to join the elite ranks of the New Monarchy Royal Guard. It is a prestigious honor. He has been recognized as someone with loyalty and skill worthy of protecting our ideal ruler. If you see him, remember to show respect. Maybe even congratulate him. May he act as a shining example for New Monarchy members.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Executor Nero has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect. Also, he has informed me that he is seeking Loyal Guardians to join a group/clan. While I am skeptical of its inner-workings, I have no doubt that it will be a great success. I support my fellow Executor and wish him the best. If you wish to join, please ask Executor Nero yourself.[/spoiler][spoiler]A fellow Executor by the name of Executor Grim has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Any new monarchists infusing raid hear into their new monarchy gear?
Have akl 4 shaders please give me the ships :)
I'm watching you Hideo...
Please stop with the sidearms. I've gotten like 4 in the past 6 packages. thx
What are your views on our FWC?
How much is your insurance claims?
Just a thought: What do you think of faction specific gear, missions, weekly bounties, weapons, social space, and their own strike (or raid)? I have a few ideas... New Monarchy: At level 50, The social space will be unlocked. Vendors will not trade with you, but introduce their own currency. Changing factions makes you lose all of the faction specific currency. Weekly bounties for the faction will be unlocked. At level 65 Faction Specific armor will be unlocked. Only can be worn when pledged to them. You will begin to receive the faction specific missions At level 75 Faction war will be introduced. You must wear all faction specific gear for only when pledged, then enter with a fire team of the same faction. You will fight another faction for points similar to ToO except with 6 people. Will work the same way with some variations. Rewards will be more faction specific exotics, consumables, and weapons but with elemental damage and better stats At Level 100 Faction specific raid/strike unlocked. Must have fire team wearing all faction specific armor. It will be very hard, and happen at different locations. Example: Executor Hideo wants you to guard the walls however, you discover a terrible secret at the bottom of the Breach. It must be stopped...
A new Field Representative has been added.
DEAD ORBIT WILL REIGN SUPREME [spoiler]*click* or naw[/spoiler]
Why did we not get a scout this time around. I would gladly get rid of the sidearm choice for a scout.
Thanks for my sexy ship
As a supporter of the new monarchy i have to know..... whats under your hat
I'm thinking about changing to New Monarchy after being rank 43 in FWC. Would you accept me?
What are the requirements?
Why do your shaders suck?
You may want to appoint me. Look at my Titan.
Sell me on the whole we want a monarchy bit. It is the only thing that stops me from supporting new monarchy wholeheartedly.
Do you actually execute people? Or do you execute the ideas and beliefs of New Monarchy to the public?
Hola, this TrueBeachBoy from your pals the Future War Cult! Now tell me... Why should my titan join the New Monarchy?
I always change your name to Exeggutor Hideo in my head.
Are you triple wreck's lost twin?
Finally got a shader from you. FINALLY
Dead orbit is the greatest faction by far. They actually want to make progress and move forward among the stars. As for new monarchy I can say only one thing. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
What is love
What are your thoughts on Future War Cult
Dead Orbit's better than Old Earth-Monarchy You are just trying to control us.