I'm sure you have questions Guardian. Go on... You are free to ask.
Announcement: [spoiler]I am now appointing certain Guardians to be Field Representatives. That means you will help manage this post, and help to inform new followers of our ways and beliefs. It also means that you will help out other loyal members and newcomers in the field when assistance is required. Please PM me if you are interested. That is all.[/spoiler]
Current Appointed Field Representatives.[spoiler]The Ruler
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Chun, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Li, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Cayde-6 has agreed to be our Vanguard Representative. While he is not an Executor, I expect our loyal followers to still treat him as such and give him the respect he deserves.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Lakshmi-2 has decided to visit us every now and then. Although our ideals clash in many ways, she is still considered a member of the Consensus, and I hope that we can refrain from any "FWC sucks!" comments. Perhaps there are some questions she may be willing to answer. Again, I am not asking you to like FWC, just merely show restraint or respect to their representative.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Dude of Valor has been removed as a Field Representative. He has been welcomed to join the elite ranks of the New Monarchy Royal Guard. It is a prestigious honor. He has been recognized as someone with loyalty and skill worthy of protecting our ideal ruler. If you see him, remember to show respect. Maybe even congratulate him. May he act as a shining example for New Monarchy members.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Executor Nero has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect. Also, he has informed me that he is seeking Loyal Guardians to join a group/clan. While I am skeptical of its inner-workings, I have no doubt that it will be a great success. I support my fellow Executor and wish him the best. If you wish to join, please ask Executor Nero yourself.[/spoiler][spoiler]A fellow Executor by the name of Executor Grim has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
I have been a proud supporter of NM and their causes since the beginning. I even supported our almighty original vanquisher VIII which dominated against the other, mis led factions. May I ask, what are our goals for the future?
If there was ever a Faction wars game mode on Destiny Dead Orbit would win because there are way more DO Loyalists than New Monarchy
Hi my name is boris I'm an old Russian Titan. I've recently joined the new monarchy just reached rank five. I've managed to get new armour all apart from my legs. Must say I'm enjoying my new hand cannon :-) I do have a Q tho!! How do I know what I fall into? As in justicars or executioner?? I apologise for my ignorance on this matter. Ty
Why is Dead Orbit better than New Monarchy?
Also, how do you change user names?
How does it feel to be the representative of the worst faction in the tower? The other two at least want to [i]do[/i] something. FWC wants to stay and fight, Dead Orbit wants to GTFO, but you guys just want to practice politics or something?
How much do you actually know about new monarchy?
As the tower's second most favorite faction (first being dead orbit, last being FWC) what would you say your favorite day of the week is?
NM Ftw
I have a question. Can we still get Armor of Vows?
Y r u such a faget?
Loyal New Monarchy supporter. LONG LIVE THE MONARCHY!
Spit or swallow?
Is your shotgun any good?
Can I be a representative as well? I have the exotic class item
Why do so many ppl jump on the Dead Orbit bandwagon?
Edited by LucidFever: 10/7/2015 6:18:08 PMSo... When are we going to make a Clan dude.... And where am I in the Representatives?
Thanks fer da exotic mark!
Can I have something other than legs with strength in my packages? I mean, I'm like rank 75 and I still get shafted on a daily basis...
Im going to join because my favorite color is red like the bloodshed from Kurt Cobain's head when he shot himself dead.
I left Dead Orbit today for the only faction worth the time of the city and to lead us United... [spoiler]joined FWC ;)[/spoiler]
Sorry but I fully represent dead orbit, check out my hunter
Why don't start mass producing the Vanquisher viii again? New monarchy auto rifles have never been the same since it became discontinued...
Edited by Ataksia: 10/7/2015 3:25:56 PMYear one Titan eh? I may have to get my year one gear now...
Your life is so so small
I think my hunter should be a rep! My euro friends call me new monarchy guy!