I'm sure you have questions Guardian. Go on... You are free to ask.
Announcement: [spoiler]I am now appointing certain Guardians to be Field Representatives. That means you will help manage this post, and help to inform new followers of our ways and beliefs. It also means that you will help out other loyal members and newcomers in the field when assistance is required. Please PM me if you are interested. That is all.[/spoiler]
Current Appointed Field Representatives.[spoiler]The Ruler
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Chun, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]A fellow Executor, known as Executor Li, has arrived. I expect our loyal followers to treat him as they would treat me, and give him the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Cayde-6 has agreed to be our Vanguard Representative. While he is not an Executor, I expect our loyal followers to still treat him as such and give him the respect he deserves.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Lakshmi-2 has decided to visit us every now and then. Although our ideals clash in many ways, she is still considered a member of the Consensus, and I hope that we can refrain from any "FWC sucks!" comments. Perhaps there are some questions she may be willing to answer. Again, I am not asking you to like FWC, just merely show restraint or respect to their representative.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Dude of Valor has been removed as a Field Representative. He has been welcomed to join the elite ranks of the New Monarchy Royal Guard. It is a prestigious honor. He has been recognized as someone with loyalty and skill worthy of protecting our ideal ruler. If you see him, remember to show respect. Maybe even congratulate him. May he act as a shining example for New Monarchy members.[/spoiler]
Announcement:[spoiler]Executor Nero has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect. Also, he has informed me that he is seeking Loyal Guardians to join a group/clan. While I am skeptical of its inner-workings, I have no doubt that it will be a great success. I support my fellow Executor and wish him the best. If you wish to join, please ask Executor Nero yourself.[/spoiler][spoiler]A fellow Executor by the name of Executor Grim has arrived. Please treat him with the utmost respect.[/spoiler]
The speaker will fail us. Join dead orbit
I'm new monarchy loyal.
Must say I've been a loyal member of new monarchy across 2 characters since I was first able to purchase the Titan mark and warlock bond And new monarchy continues to impress me with their above average gear. Keep up the good work
Hideo....do you even play anymore? Just browsing the toons you have bud....or did you start new ones???? Just asking.
Good day, Executor! I am a loyal member of the New Monarchy and wish to further its goals! I will accept a position to take questions as a field representative, if I could be offered?
Im interested
I'm currently representing Dead Orbit. However, some recent operations have left me with a fowl taste in my mouth. And while staying in the shadows seems like a Hunters paradise, I'm just not feeling it anymore. I think the reason I have been continuing with DO for this long is that, in my experience, DO has a slight lead on weapon performances. So my question is, what can the Monarchy offer me that Dead Orbit can't?
What must I sacrifice for comitatus?
And I am a Fallen Devil Archon. AMA.
Favourite type of scarecrow?
I have completed my armor set for the warlock so now begins the journey to get the Titan armor set! Wish me luck.
Give me my ship god damnit
Sometimes my back hurts but I don't want to go to a doctor. Wut do?
Why do people do this shit?
Thank you for finally giving me a shader at rank 28 so I can finally start the quest and become a faction champion
Why you fcuking lying, why you always lying, ooh ma god why you always lying
I would be very honored to be a New Monarchy field rep
Thanks for the new ship. I'm convinced it's one of the rarest items in the game
Can I has exotic cloak without grinding out 16 more faction levels? Pretty please?
What If I said I was Rank 126?
How you doing?
Im with NM, they rule I ask why you havent given me ANY shaders
Use new new monarchy gear, old gear kinda sucks
Why does dead orbit have such a superior voice actor?
Do you like my New Monarchy robes in orange?