"Not really it's full of people who would sell their grandma for a buck"
"Okay then."
"Yeah not really the best in attitude but looks yeah"
"But selling a grandmother?"
"I'm being dead serious"
"Why would you do such a thing?"
"Because people are cruel anyway let's move on to centra"
"Now Centra one of the better places where yours truly lives "
"Hmm what's next ah yeah downtown but hopefully we don't have to go down their to often to many junkies"
"Drug dealers?"
"Yeah let's just not go there okay"
"Whatever you say."
"Okay then we have tokyo town the last part where the best tea shop is The mad hat"
"I haven't been there before."
"Well I definitly reccomend it and that is the last of our tour"
"Thank you for that."
"No problem it's me helping someone out"
"What does your place look like? Mine just has a bed so far."
"Hmm well if's nicely decorated i guess"
"So… anyone I should look out for?"
"Hmm not that I know of except your unusual sniper of course"
"Who's that?"
"You know like a merc or a contract taker assasin's bassically"