I've lost my warlocks collectors items and would like them back. I deleted my character after first mission and then lost my letter without even opening the letter. Please resend specifically the warlock items please... It's ruining my experience. Everyone else has their shit that bought it and then on accident I lose mine forever and REAL money goes down the drain!? That's not cool. Pleas help me. I would deeply appreciate it. I didn't even know it would be mailed to each class... For real money purchases you shouldn't be able to lose the item especially like how I did on launch. First day.
The exact same thing happened to me, still waiting for a fix...
And what exactly did you lose?
Have you heard anything on a fix??
Nothing specifically about giving players their collectors edition content from. I lost the warlock TTK digital collectors edition content for deleting the character before the first mission was even completed.
Oh wow, it's so ridiculous how you can spend money on something like this and then you don't even get it... I feel you bro. I really hope they do something about this. So far I've found the dance. But there isn't a way for me to get my shader or exotic without buying the damn thing. Which I shouldn't do since I should already have it. The other shader isn't even at the machine.