Dear Bungie,
I request that I (and every other Guardian) be permitted to epicly dual wield our sidearms. "Double the sidearm, double the sidepunch."
Get it done.
Point Man KILLA KOWALSK1, The Surgeon
[spoiler]Sign if you want this change made Guardians.[/spoiler]
Dual sidearms would be good. Unable to aim, but will melt you in a second if you get too close. This would make them actually good.
Either make it a perk for sidearms or make an exotic sidearm that can be dual wielded
"What the hell did you do?" "You don't wanna know" "Yeah i do, I've never seen anything like that" "A new skill i picked up.Dual wielding." "What? Are there prerequisites?" "I wish i could tell you. About six months ago, it just kind of... Was there. Dual wielding" "Why didn't you tell me!?" "I was afraid people would be jealous" "Nah, sidearms suck you should be fine"
Why not their be a thing on side arms where you can infuse 1 into the other to make it dual
Dual side arms called thunder and lightning arc damage Description reads cook up a storm Perks include strikes twice which causes double damage on a precision hit and conductor where with a precision kill a bolt of lightning chains to another enemy causing damage
Double shotgun plz just to break the game more
Duel wield CHAPERONE!......just like the model 1887s in MW3 that would be beautiful.
100% agree.
No then forum kids would cry for a nerf
Save it for an Exotic. That would be soooo Exotic.
Double sidearms should be an exotic.
Two last words
I can't really see a way of it working in this game, honestly. Maybe if they revamped the perk/leveling/gear system in the next Destiny, then maybe. I'd like to see it expand to hand cannons, sidearms, fusion rifles, and SMGs (SMGs being specials, like the difference between Hand Cannons and Sidearms)
Specifically for side arms, signed as long as they become more inaccurate and you can't melee with them equipped.
Edited by Elder O Anarchy: 9/30/2015 12:19:51 AMCan I get two swords both exotics of a different type? Edit: but you wouldn't be able to use grenades due to R1/LB would be for slashing with your left handed sword
Left trigger is fire left gun Right trigger fire right gun It takes an exotic slot to dual wield sidearms and u can choose between any two No ads
Only as an exotic.
I wanted to dual wield swords. Like the Vandals and Captains.
Only if they add a new exotic one
Def a good idea.
Dualies Op Volvo pls