I sense hostility from you.
"You're about to sense a sword across your throat."
Oh! That's how you do things. I've met several other people with the same response.
"None like me."
I've met no one with the exact same personality as someone else. It's very interesting getting to know people.
"Who are you anyway? And why are you still bothering me?"
Oh! Sorry. My name's Xavier, and I am still bothering you because I am curios as to why you seem to hate me so much.
" a girl can't hate someone because she feels like it?"
I don't like hate.
"Then you'd better leave because im full of it."
Let me restate. I don't like unfounded hate.
"And I don't care what you don't like."
Fair enough.
"Hmm." [b] She continues to walk away.[/b]
That's it? You just walk away?
- over tac pad- " I WARNED YOU YOU IDIOT"
[b] She draws a katana and whirls around with lightning speed, pinning you against a wall with her blade against your throat.[/b] "You don't know when a girl's had enough do you?" [b] She growls in a low voice[/b]
-over tac pad- " well todays full of surprises first my brother comes back after ten years and trinity is threatening someone else. I got some kap if ya want some"
"Who told you I was a Psion Daego?"
" oh crap you're a psion? I thought you wouldve wanted to sell these. Well just come by... And bring blue berries "
[b] She sighs.[/b] "you're lucky I don't hate you. And why blueberries?"
- you hear him gag- " not for me but for my brother you can meet him later."
"Alright." [spoiler] I'll make the post.[/spoiler]