[b] Trinity shows up at Daego's apartment and knocks with a box of blueberries in her hand.[/b]
((Open to Daego))
-gasps- " BLUEBERRIES ? Thank you sooooo much!!!" - hugs trinity-
-the door is of the floor and daego walks trinity in. Ivan is sitting on the couch- "thanks trinity. Ivan she got you a present." - gives trinity the kap- " that shiz is really expensive killed some people for it though"
"How much is in here?"
" could only manage ten. I honestly don't know how it works but i have like a bottle from the last bounty somwhere"-reaches in his jacket and throws a bottle at you- " there it is. Theron got hella mad at me for doing that"
"And how much is in here?"
" twenny pills. Just promise you wont get reckless with them."
"Hmm." [b] She puts them in her pocket.[/b]
" well i hope to see you soon. Preferably not in a fight?"
See ya later Daego." [b] Trinity walks out.[/b]
" bye trinity" - goes back to his room-