I was there, he was one of my freinds, I was taking a dump in the bathroom when all of a sudden a loud explosion caught my attention, I got out of the bathroom only to see taken waiting for me, I begin using my rockets and chain gun and quickly mowed them down, I proceeded to kill all the taken only to see 2 more spawn in there place, it least cabal ammo was stolen from invective and icebreaker tech, we never run out, anyways I was running to my hangar when I saw the cabal, I yelled to him that eating at mccabalnauts and riding the elevator was a horrible idea, he ignored me and proceeded to press the button, he went up, than I remembered he owed me money from a bingo match we had early, but this was a matter of life or death, as soon as I turned around I heard the cables snap and a loud crash, I panicked and ran to my ship, I took one last look only to see the base blowing up...
R.I.P my money he owed me :(
How much did he owe you?
50,000 cabalbucks He had a serious gambling issue
Spread the word, 9/15 never forget #CabalLivesMatter