Hey Guardians,
Hows things? So I've got a Blacksmith Shader up for grabs on PS4 and all you've gotta do to win the fabulous prize is first answer this "very hard" question:
"What is the name of the first Ship you get in the main Destiny campaign?" After you answer this question all you have to do is tell me the story your most flukiest Raid success to date. This can be from any raid be it VOG, Crotas End or Kings Fall. All entries will be judged on 20/9/2015 or for you Americans 9/20 at 12:00 AM GMT and I will PM the winner the code. Good Luck Guardian Berserker out.
Arcadia Class Jumoship So I was carry some people who had started playing destiny again through crota. They all decide to try to jump across the bridge (straight way, not the way you can do it with the sword). And it was on hard. Leaving me to try to do things. I activated bridge. Went up top. Despawned adds. Killed swordbearer and carried the rest with the worst part being having to explain it yût to them. And then 2 of them got fourth horseman when I still needed it. Then they couldn't take Crota down with their rockets, so I had to shoot my gjallarhorn in order to down him, then sword him. Only to have 1 get fourth horseman and helm with infusion (perk) and another get Gjallarhorn. All I got was energy...