-the twins both com out daego with his sword and ivan with his sniper- " huh big guy. Wouldnt you say,daego?" "Nothing we cant handle,ivan" -daego uses dorsal jets and cuts a hole in the energy shield whilst ivan shoots his anti material rifle at the mans armor breaking it-
*the energy sheild doenst attmept to stop the sword which damage the armor slghtly* *the energy sheidl reacts to the sniper round ricocheting it on daego* a man cant smoke calmly now a days is it? *he drops the ciggarrite as the Plate mask clsoes down again*
The bullet is deflected perfectly" huh well then i know what to do now, lets go ivan" - they both leave but daegos left eye glows faintly- " interesting..."
*the figure kepps lookign at him* are you gona try anything? i would liek to at least finish a smoke...........
-ivan stares at you. A horrible chill is sent your way- " i have to say something to you. Do NOT EVER try to hurt any of my acquaintances. It will be a horrid mistake" - they both leave-
*he seems unscared* *gaps* is it Eva? look at all this kids pretending to be Soldiers!