She looks and sees that's it's clearly strapped to your arm. "Riiiight" She closes her book and sets it on the table. "If ye need me to write you a program all you gotta do is ask ya know?"
"No fine the truth I want to see your search history"
She instantly bursts out laughing. "But why?!"
"I'm curious" -He has a coy smile-
She gives a sinister smile back. "If we're exchanging these types of secrets I expect something of equal value"
"What do you want to know then"
" I don't know. Something you don't want me to know, gimmie time and I'll probably think of something. And of course you'll need to swear you silence on what you see"
"I swear and i'll let you know anything"
"Truth be told, search history is empty right now on both, clear it every time" She says as she pulls out one laptop from her bag and sets it on the table. "You can see for yourself if you want"
-Theron falls in defeat - "Damnit now i get nothing and you get to know anything about me"
"I do got something tho" She pulls out a game pad from one of her apron pockets.
"Hmm what's that"
(It looks like a pspVita) "Game pad" She replies. "You should see the kinds of things you can find in certain shops in Tokyo Town, some specialize in games Stuff will probably make you cringe but if you're this eager to know something we can barter" She says as she twirls the pad in her palm.
"Hmm" [i]She's probably leading me seeing how desperate I am plus I'm at a disadvantage because she's a hacker[/i] "Ok then what do you want"
"That's the fun part chummy, you don't get to know what I want till you accept"
"I accept the terms of the agreement then"
Her eyebrows raise a bit with surprise. "Bold" She says as she hands you the game console. "I'll give you a whole day to look through it, just bring it back undamaged. And tell no one"
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/20/2015 4:53:30 PM"What does my boldness tickle your fancy, anyway what do you want to know" -He says while looking through it-
Upon turning it on you are immediately met by a rather implicate [url=http://img03.deviantart.net/0cb5/i/2012/055/7/a/shizaya_gif_by_theblackcrusaderx-d4qvww0.jpg]wallpaper[/url]. Scrolling through it you find a large library of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_BL_games]BL[/url] genre games and visual novels. Holy shit. "I'll think of something by the time you return it. Have fun" She says with a chuckle.
"Hmm not to strange, So Revy anyway how've you been doing" -He looks for anything worse-
"I've been dandy as of lately, cafe not getting blown up, and city as lively as it's been in a while. Good for business" As you navigate you don't find much you probably weren't already expecting. Pirated music and games, back up files for scripts that look like a bunch of gibberish for non-hackers. But then you find an interesting photo, one dated back about 5 years which shows a group of teenagers in strange matching apparel. You see a younger version of Revy on the far left
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/20/2015 5:06:35 PM"You look cute when you were young and I could tell about the cafe maybe I should start working for you bring in more female customers" -He sends a copy of the picture to his tac-pad-
Your Tac Pad rejects the new data as it alerts that something foreign has been rejected and deleted. Some kind of counter-measure? She instantly springs up and over to you. "I forgot that was there" She reaches for the game pad. "Sure I'll consider, just give it back"
"But you said I have it for the whole day" -He holds it away-
"Disregard what I said. I won't ask anything in return just give it back" There's a bit of agitation in her voice.