You mean like Happy Tree Friends is cute yet violent getting shot IRL is just bad?
I've never seen HTF, but I assume so, isn't there a difference between funny violence and attempted-murder violence?
That depends on your point of view; are you a masochist?
I can't say that I am, are you a masochist?
No, say, here's a question related to the violence, to you believe evil is an inherent construct present in those horrible people or is it simply a substitute for not being able to anything about it?
I think autocorrect went a little ham, could you clarify what you meant? Did you mean to say "Do I think evil is inherent in horrible people, or something we label them with"?
Do you think so? [spoiler]lol yes[/spoiler]
Wouldn't you agree that all of language is a human attempt at signifying something in our thoughts or lives, that we were not born with the gift of language, we have to develop it? If you have ever seen Harry Potter, would you agree with this quote? [quote]I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. [/quote] Evil is always lurking in our minds, whether or not that makes all of us inherently evil or the few that choose to act on it evil, I don't know, would you agree?
But isn't the very founding of modern society built upon this Evil? Isn't the course of human history itself pure evil? [spoiler]You know how Plato, the Greek philosopher wandered philosophical questions by asking another question to make the asked Think? That's abiutb wha this ist [/spoiler]
Are you like Thomas Hobbes, in that you think all people are born evil? Are people expected to be perfect? Are there not moments in history that challenge this notion? Where do you think you fall in the Nature vs. Nurture argument? [spoiler]Yeah, I think that's abiutb wha this ist too XD I have fun with it though, don't you?[/spoiler]
Nature Vs. Nurture? What's that?
Since you said you are a good person, can I assume you aren't screwing with me? Isn't nature vs. nurture a very heated debate in whether people are born with their character and such or if their up-bringing influences a clean slate?
I like science, so I can day when an infant is born, some of the links(axon) connecting feels(nuerons) are stronger than others, so isn't it both?
I believe it is both, but do scientists want to ever say two things can co-exist?
Why don't you look it up? You know I can't honestly explain without breaking the rules, right?
Why don't I look what up? Aren't I agreeing with you?
I couldn't tell, we're you?
Don't you think I am, now that I have implied it and all? Have you taken psychology before?
Well, can't you tell by my previous comment that it's one of my favorite subjects?
Isn't that why I asked you if I can safely make that assumption? Is that what you plan to do as a career or is it more of a fun class?
Can't I like astronomy and psychology?
Why not? Those are both somewhat different fields, what attracts you about each one?
Doesn't the universe go on (nearly) Forever? Can we possibly know anything significant when there is infinite Knowedge? Doesn't the unknown have an allure?
Why do you bound an infinite space? Which do you enjoy more?
Why bound infinite space, if their are no bounds?
Isn't that what I am saying, that in your context it seemed as though you were bounding something infinite when you said nearly?