I'm always looking for cool peeps to do TTK quest, court of oryx, blighted worlds, the taken wars, high value targets, etc, etc. I don't care about levels, everyone needs help sometimes, i know i do, so msg Stevie P2 to join me in the fun! Or post to find your own team, and inv me, or not, it's cool.
I'm at the final boss fight for Taken Wars Mars and need one extra person to help. Message ShrequilleONeal for inv
Looking for someone to quest with i need help on a taken war earth quest cant defeat one of the baddies fast enough in the rocket yard
Need 1 for last rites. GT: StormEagle82
Mind if i join?
Need help doing champions on Venus message why iLaG for a invite
Need 1 for warpriest have high damage weapon for boss msg me gt a wild noctowl
Need 1 for champions on Mars msg for inv
Looking for team to do taken champions on Venus on Mars xb1 add gt above
Really need help on the mission fears embrace
Need two for fears embrace quest. At boss. Message LightningN for invite Xbox one
Light level 289 hunter looking for golgoroth cp. Send an invite to same gt as above.
Need to get stirok in the rocketyards and no one else is ever there, message JSwift456 if you try a help a brother out
[quote]looking for peeps to do TTK quest, court of oryx, blighted worlds, the taken wars, high value targets, etc. msg gt to join me in the fun! Or post to find your own team.[/quote]need help on fears embrace! On mars msg:drewdaboss321
Looking for a group to do the sisters cp with Please have wipers cd and know what to do 292 warlock gt same as above invt me
Doing fears embrace.
Need 1 for wizard cp msg me kingkong1147 must be light level 290 or above
Lf help with tenebrous tunnels quest
Looking to do kings fall raid. It's my first time. Hunter. Light lvl 285 Invite: JairedStar
Fears embrace at the boss need 2 noww gt same as name
Need 1 or 2 for quick finish of Fear's Embrace. Already at the Ultra. Quick in and out. Thank GT: StormEagle82
Skyburner keep lv41 at the boss need 2 asap gt same as name
Need help for some quests. I'll help out on some quests as well. Msg me for an invite. Gt is MysteryGirl021
Edited by StormEagle82: 9/21/2015 1:35:26 AMNeed 1 or 2 for quick finish of Fear's Embrace. Already at the Ultra. Quick in and out. Thank GT: StormEagle82
Lost or found quest, court of oryx part to get the brooch. looking for anyone else who has it or like CoO in general. MSG: Mad King Henry for inv
Looking for player who have the legendary rune for Court of Oryx
At Golgoroths Cellar need 3 290+ and know what to do and have good weapons. Gt Same as above.