But isn't the very founding of modern society built upon this Evil? Isn't the course of human history itself pure evil?
[spoiler]You know how Plato, the Greek philosopher wandered philosophical questions by asking another question to make the asked Think? That's abiutb wha this ist [/spoiler]
Why couldn't it? Don't scientists like to think they are special little snowflakes and that what they preach is true and all religion is mutually exclusive with their theories? Isn't this my first thread I actually hoped got replies? What kind of b8 do you post?
Would you be surprised if I told you I was offended since I plan to be an astronomer? [quote]str8 -8/8 b8[/quote]
Is that some gr8 b8 m8? [spoiler]I assume you are NOT one of those guys, would I be wrong?[/spoiler]
Would you r8 my b8 m8? [spoiler]We have devolved. [/spoiler]
Wouldn't I r8 it 8/8 m8 [spoiler]What would you like to talk about? On a tangent, I played some raids and PoE with an english guy and he r8ed me 8/8 m8, and told his other english friend, who also r8ed me 8/8. Proudest moment of my life XD[/spoiler]
Do you like fantasy or sci-fi? Know any good books, perhaps?
Aren't I pretty cool with fantasy and sci-fi? Over the years, have I determined I like books focusing on post-apocalyptic situations such as Maze Runner, Divergent, and A Crack in the Sky?
Don't you think you should slow down? Do you like Star Wars?
I like episodes 4-6, does that count? Would you be upset if I told you I am not really "well-versed" in Star Wars, though I have seen them all and know the general story line?
No, what about games? Do you like MMORPGS like me? Maybe something else? You might like shooters, since all of Bungies games are shooters?(you obviously wouldn't be here if you didn't play Halo or Destiny)
Have I been interested in MMORPGs, but not really ever gotten into them? What ones do you like? Don't you think I love shooters, but also have a fondness for games like Portal and other fun games? Would I be wrong in assuming we both like a variety of games, not really one in particular?
Isn't their certain games to stay away From? Haven't you seen all those crappy COD clones out their?
Haven't I heard of such games that one should stay away from? Have you ever heard of the COD wannabe named Ghosts?
Do you think so?
Can I assume that you have? Why don't you tell me some of the games that you like to play?
Have you heard of The Elder Scrolls: Online?
Of course, what do you think of it? Could you explain it like you are talking to someone that has never played the game but knows of it?
Did you know the reason I haven't replied was because I violated the Code of Coduct?
Why in the hell were you banned, what did you do?
You know how they passed the rule banning peaple who didn't want to do Destiny? Do you think I agreed with their decision? [spoiler]lol seriously didn't expect to be bant[/spoiler]
Wait, know that is part of the COC??? That doesn't make any sense at all, so I assume you bought Destiny or something?
Yes, but does that mean I must completely support their decision?
Did I ever say that I think you support their decision? As an avid Destiny player, don't even people like me think it is stupid that people are not allowed to be a part of the forums if they have not been a Bungie fan in the past?
Did you know I haven't played Destiny for several months? What does that little star below your level mean? Is TTK any good? [spoiler]I'll pm you what I said.[/spoiler]
Don't I know now? Doesn't the star represent light level, which has been completely re-hauled since several months ago? Don't I think TTK is a major improvement of Y1? Do you watch DattoDoesDestiny, and if you don't, do you think you could watch his videos to catch up on the mechanics of Y2?