I'm just wondering if anyone still bothers doing VoG or Croata's End? I'd understand if the majority opinion was "no" since most of the gear probably doesn't do much for anybody that's at endgame now, but I'd think it'd be fun to try and breeze through them at lvl 40.
EDIT: Glad to see the response is mostly in favour of still doing them. Lot of people, like myself included, are still hungry to try and find the last few pieces of gear for their collections. Hopefully this gets a lot people interested, since each raid can only be looted once per week, and I'd be bored as shit myself constantly waiting on King's Fall if I complete it early on.
Edit 2: Forgot to throw this in, but my gamertag is the same as my name for people looking to hook up on 360.
Yeah I will still do vog when I've finished with the new one.
Oh I'll be doing them both for as long as people are doing them, those raids are fun. Even need to sneak a few POE plays in as I've not faced them all yet
I did vog and crota leg me tell u swords are NOT good for oracles
If they added some relavant quests....
Edited by BloodHunter: 9/21/2015 1:26:24 PMI would can't find anyone who wants to.. never did them much... add me if you want a players that's up for doing all kinds of stuff for fun... well my kind of fun..send invite to Lust_4_BLOOD_ I will not respond if leave subject area blank. .or follow me @bloodragegaming on Twitter, Facebook, Google plus
Considering I just joined Destiny I would love to try vog I heared you get a nice sparrow :)
6 solar titans or 6 stormcallers. I'd love to see the carnage during the confluxes
I'm plannin on soloing crota again just to see how laughable it is now
One of my comrades is working on one shotting Atheon using Golden Gun and Celestial Nighthawk. It is still fun to play the old Raids but now that we are that much more powerful, it isn't as time consuming. It almost takes longer to get a team together than run the actual Raid.
It'd be a quick way to get some shards to trade to the speaker for shards, or flawless raider.
I might do the old raids to get the necrochasm, and do them on my characters who are missing the gear ( mostly my titan). I'm definitely going to finish off skolas and try and get the how exotics.
F*ck yeah i would do them, I also want to do skolas
Yeah! We did a Crota yesterday for the funsies and I took him down in one sword - I'm not the most confident swordbearer so it felt awesome! It's quite fun when you're not actually trying for any gear
I will still do VoG
Definitely! I think the VOG is a lot of fun to play
I'm gonna bitch slap Skolas all over the place lol
Considering that I recently started doing the raids - I found them to be fun and so yes, I plan on still doing them - regardless of the gear that is rewarded.
Well I still need to run Crota hard so....
Yes, for the ghosts
Still want my crux..so more CE HM
Hell yea. VoG was great fun at level 34 can't wait to see what it's like at 40
I do still need the Crota sparrow, so I might run for that
Due to my schedule and other priorities I never really got the chance to do the raids. So I definitely plan to.
I'm still going to run them just not to often. I still need a few weapons to have a raid collection lol.
Would love to wreck Crota and Skolas again with new gear.
About how much ascendant shards/energy does each chest give? Blew all my motes on FWC rep