I'm just wondering if anyone still bothers doing VoG or Croata's End? I'd understand if the majority opinion was "no" since most of the gear probably doesn't do much for anybody that's at endgame now, but I'd think it'd be fun to try and breeze through them at lvl 40.
EDIT: Glad to see the response is mostly in favour of still doing them. Lot of people, like myself included, are still hungry to try and find the last few pieces of gear for their collections. Hopefully this gets a lot people interested, since each raid can only be looted once per week, and I'd be bored as shit myself constantly waiting on King's Fall if I complete it early on.
Edit 2: Forgot to throw this in, but my gamertag is the same as my name for people looking to hook up on 360.
Still need that Crux and Praetorian Foil, so ya
Yea because materials = motes = faction rep = better gear = shaders = cool ships = exotic class item quests = profit
Maybe, if they include a 300 light difficulty. Just giving peeps items to boost them up to 25 kinda defeats the point of them progressing naturally, and ignoring the raids for much more preferable gear. Eh. . .IDK
Gotta keep my zero raids thing going! ..*dam poe thinking it's a raid!
I've never done a raid
Crota hard so I can get my Crux. VoG because it's fun. But right now I need to get my light up for Kings Fall, falling behind my clan mates a bit at the moment as I have been on holiday.
They really need to make old activities relevant by upping the attack/defence value of the drops and enabling infusion on them.
Vex and necro
I might come back to VoG eventually doubt I'll ever run CE again though
I'll run em
I only do the VoG - I hate the Hive so I outright refuse to do them raids!
Edited by milesi564: 9/22/2015 6:56:14 AMI haven't done any yet
Yeah they upgraded them and added different loot as well like this ship
Yes after oryx
Joined a crota cp on normal. At 290 light we beat him in 5 hits with the sword. It was hysterical.
Yes. Just for shits and giggles.
I'll still do them. Chance to get exotics even if they are year 1 still can use them in crucible
I would like nechrochasm so I will probably run crota hard sometime
[i]Once I beat King's Fall. I'm not doing any raid until I kill Oryx.[/i]
Yes deff u can add me if u want.. Im always down.. If u have xbox one gt is Silentkillah888
Yep once i get everything from oryx or update the weapon drops.
Nope. No incentive.
VoG because it's an amazingly well designed activity. CE probably not because it's the opposite.