[b]He pulls up on his bike and he drifts to a stop.[/b]
"Hey man."
"Hmm oh hey Yeah one hell of a day for me"
"What happened?"
"I was in the Scrapyard in Trynt and met with some Scavengers"
"Didn't go to well I presume?"
"Not really Licanis got a pole through her neck and her arm shot off and Elizabeth got her leg chewed up pretty bad and finally I got a knife in my shoulder"
"Ouch. Is everyone okay?"
"Uh yeah their resting right now and i'm just sitting here thinkijg I guess"
"Well I'm glad everyone is alright."
"Yeah we got saved by some weird guys to not that i'm ungrateful or anything"
- ivan over tac pad- " uhhhh theron? Daego got shanked pretty bad im bringing him to you"
-over tac-pad- How did you ge tthis number and what did he do
" im on his tac pad right now and he pulled some guy who threw bullets at him into an ally to ask him something i shot him in the knee cap but he ran away"
"Huh okay bring him over" [spoiler]new post[/spoiler]
"Who were they?"
"We don't know but they had some serious firepower"
"And they saved you?"
"Yeah weird right though I guess I was just in the situation and they just shot at them"
"Yeah but it helped us so i'm grateful"
"That's good. So you need help with anything, because I'm kind of bored."
"Well you could help me reattatch Licanis's arm there's allot of screaming involved and my arm hurts" -He says while getting up and walking towards an elevator to take to his apartment-
[b]He follows you.[/b] "Yeah I can help with that."
-He pressed the number to his apartment and starts humming with the elevator music-
[b]He stands their silently.[/b]
-The elevator opens and you walk in to find blood on the floor and Licanis without her armor or arm-