"Well my lucks turning out quie well today"
-Theron makes a campfire after he skins the bear an dcooks the meat of the dear-
[b]Nothing much happens[/b] [spoiler]I hope you make an epic hangout here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]you know it[/spoiler] Theron grabs his axe and cut's down some trees and makes a makeshift wall and door for the cave
[b]Its getting dark[/b] [spoiler]you should make like, a -blam!-ing treefort just outside. Along with either a Blackreach or a mines of Moria underground[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i'm going to make a watchtower outside the base[/spoiler] -Theron makes a campfire to ward the darkness-
[spoiler]thats awesome[/spoiler] [b]The darkness is... Ward...er...ed. Idk.[/b]
[spoiler]yep[/spoiler] Time skip to morning aka new post