Oh crap! Did I hurt you?
Ye...I went tail first into the ground....and you may have broke a good five bones in my body.
Oh... I don't have any Senzus on me right now so... This might hurt. [b]He puts his hands on you, then goes Super Saiyan 2. It causes extreme pain, but it heals your broken bones.[/b]
[b]Varan winces, but he trys to not scream out[/b] "That -blam!-in[i][/i]g hurts."
Yeah... Sorry...
Im just going to lay here in pain for a bit......
Okay. Tell me when you can stand again.
Give me a few minutes.
Okay. [b]He waits for you to recover.[/b]
*I stand a bit and wrap my tail around my waist then pick up a stick and use it to help me keep my balance*
[b]Celon helps you walk into Sithis' house. He then lays you down on a bed.[/b]
"Bring me to Sithis's nightstand. He has magic pain relievers their."
[b]He helps you over to the nightstand.[/b]
[b]I open the nightstand and grab a pill then eat it[/b] "Alright, I can practoce more now." [b]I seem to no longer be in pain as I throw the stick aside[/b]
Okay! Let's move onto trying to get you to turn into a Super Saiyan. [b]He leads you to a cliff.[/b] Is there anyone you care very much for?
"My memories were wiped, remember? If their was anyone I forgot. The only people I even currently consider a friend is you and Sithis." [b]when mentioning his memories he seems to get sad[/b]
Imagine me and Sithis being murdered horribly. Get mad, get angry.
[b]he does this and you can basically see the rage in him[/b]
[b]Celon sees his ki building, and smiles.[/b] Angrier! Like you would kill everything to get back at that one person!
[b]In his mind he imagines Sithis being killed and Celon getting killed while trying to avenge Sithis, then he sees the person face and takes a sword out and runs towards the person and getting hit back into a tree but getting back up and charging the person again and again[/b]
[b]Your hair begins to rise, and turn golden.[/b] Good! Good! Keep it up!
Edited by CzanMan02: 9/21/2015 4:31:11 AM[b]With this in my mind I get up to the person and hit her right in the face as hard as I can[/b] [spoiler]Sithis has alot of bad ex girlfriends.[/spoiler]
[b]Your hair holds in place and color, and you ascend to a Super Saiyan.[/b] You did it! Great job!
"Im extremely pissed right now. Im going to go find that Astrid chick that tried to enslave Sithis. Ill be back." [b]I run off to find her and see a bit off golden blood, ichor flying around everywhere [/b]
[spoiler]You do realize that she's still on the ground near the Dojo, right? We never moved her.[/spoiler]