Alas, it is not... There are regulations in place against such actions. If I were to give it to you, I would have to give it to everyone. That is not possible, as the Foundries have discontinued those models, and all that is left is a small weapon/armor cache... Sigh... I remember when we offered a full suite of weapons, and Dead Orbit made their own crap. Those were the days...
Dead orbit FTW "runs away like a troll"
Ahh... Another supporter of Dead Orbit. If only he knew who he was truly fighting for beyond those shaders...
Lol I'm just ranking up once more on my hunter so I can have the exotic class item for my warlock and hunter and then it's NM and FWC all the way already rank ten FWC and NM
We do seek help, but value loyalty above all. I see you stand not with whom is true, but with who gives you the fanciest gear.
Ayyyy now you getting it