If you have been lucky enough to receive this monster weapon, sign bellow.
I got mine from an using the three of coins.
Edit 1: A lot of people seem to have received this thunder god. Good. Spread the word of it's greatness.
Edit 2: 300 replies! The child of Bad Juju and Thunderlord seems to be popular.
Signed, from a legendary engram
Just got it and bumped it up to 307, so amazing, its stability is great even if you set it at its lowest possible setting.
I got it from 3 of coins. I love it. My go to weapon.
Signed. That thing reks big time.
Supercell OP confirmed. Love it while you can[spoiler]Bungie hears you[/spoiler]
I want one :~(((
Signed. Love it for pve but for pvp I use hawkmoon
Signed [spoiler]best pve primary ever[/spoiler]
Signed. Can't wait until I have a raid group all using this thing.
Goddamn, I've been grinding for one since the day TTK came out. RNGesus finally gave me an exotic primary engram and I got the Jade Rabbit. It's decent in PvP, but I'd take Zhalo Supercell over it anyday.
Sign if you don't have it :(
Love it for pve, But in pvp I can't make it work.
If wasn't arc I'd have infused my 310 into something else.
I love it. Was my firstbl new exotic in TtK
Honestly haven't used it yet is it any good?
Signed! Cant remember using any other primary! Things just too good at controlling situations!
Have it, love it on Xbox Still want it on ps4
got mine from the nightfall
My 3rd lvl 40 exotic drop. Love it. Lots of damage, clears mobs faster, refills super bar fast, and replenishes ammo. Where's the down side?
Yeah, it's awesome![spoiler]I don't have one[/spoiler] [spoiler]i cri ery tiem[/spoiler]
Where did your engrams drop? I seem to only ever get helmet and gauntlet engrams.
[i]but jade rabbit....[/i]