If you have been lucky enough to receive this weapon, you know it is a complete beast. Who wouldn't want a fusion rifle that shoots sticky grenades?
Sign bellow if you have it. Where did you get it? First impressions?
Edit 1: Dang, over 200 replies in 3 hours. Nice guardians.
My favorite TTK exotics so far are tied between the Telesto and the [url=]Zhalo Supercell[/url]. Love these guns.
Edit 2: 500 replies. I didn't realize so many people had this beauty. Keep it up!
After reading the comments, it seems the Telesto is preferred for PvE. While I agree, I hope you all try it in PvP.
Edit 3: Over 1,000 comments... Wow!
Yeah I love mine. Got it running strikes with the 3 of coins last weekend. Tried it out in the crucible first actually. It was hilarious. Also got the Hereafter that same day which is also great.
People love it because Needler...
3 telestos on one target is honestly better than gjallarhorn
Extremely fun fusion "rifle" Liked mine enough to use the Spindle to get it up 297, still need to buy another from blueprints to bring it up to 300.
Great for nightfall this week
Nightstalker with it just wrecks everything
Got 2 from exotic engram farming
Mine is 306. Never leave home without it.
Signed got it from first nightfall, Darkblade
Favorite fuсking Fusionrifle for fuсking Fallen fuсking fuсk that was a lot of fuсking alliteration.
Edited by Selene3016: 9/25/2015 12:30:42 AMIt's a really fun weapon :) Got it as a Nightfall reward. It's not too great to be honest, but it's fun and that's what counts!
Edited by CrudeDude: 9/23/2015 4:27:27 PMWe all have it from exotic farming dipshit
So much signed like yes
First off, I would like to petition a name change to "The Molesto" or just "Molesto". Second, I have it, I love it, got it from my first TTK nightfall.
I love it, but I can't use it in the crucible
Love mine. It's so great when you have more than one person with it in PVE. This is a weapon is a proper exotic.
Have it and love it also.
have it and love it
got it! I love that it's like a new needler for destiny
Edited by Nokic: 9/24/2015 11:50:15 PMSigned. I got it from an engram. It was love at first sight
304 telesto OH YEAH
Telesto is love...Telesto is life. Sure is a sexy gun
It's basically a Fusion Rifle with Tiny void Wolfpack rounds with no tracking Rest in Peace Gjallyhorn
Mine is at 300 right now (thank you black spindle Engrams). Amazing gun though and it just killed the nightfall this week, super easy.