They aren't "old" to me yet. I have only done VOG once. I have never done the rest. So yeah I would do them. Only thing is I bet it's hard to find people to do them with right now with all the fancy new stuff.
I'm hoping in a few weeks I can get some people to go with me for Crota.
If you on ps4 add me Thee_White_Wolf to do vog and crota. Should be easy now I would think. Want that vex
sure thing. I will add you when I get home.
How have you only done VoG once? It's been out a full year and it takes like 45 minutes to complete
Edited by whostolemyfex: 9/21/2015 4:25:44 PMNot sure why you think I need to explain anything about my game play to you but I will. My husband got the game at launch and a few months after I made a character on his account. This is my first FPS so it took me a very long time to get used to this style of game play. I mainly did patrols. Also we have kids, jobs, families, real life friends and other hobbies so I just could not find the time needed to "git gud" real fast. Then in July or August I got my own PSN account and started my own game in anticipation of TTK. I'm also a very conservative player and I go very slow through the story. Also I'm not an ass. I know my skill level is not on par with other people so I'm selective about what I do with other people. If they really need something I'll not go with them because I will just drag them down. Now if they have done something a few times, then I'll go with them since they are really just doing it for the hell of it. So did that answer your question? Or did you just want to brag about it only taking you 45 minutes?
if you play on 360 I will be more than happy to take you through Crota it takes probably 45 minutes
:( Ps4.
I have ps4 cbox one and xbox 360 ill help anytime Psn-abz_cris Gt-ABZ Cris
Awesome. I'll add ya when I get home from work today :) Thanks
I'm the same, never done either raid properly all the way through, I hope I can get a team together for them both at some point.
if you are on PS4 add me. I'll be ready to do Crota soon :)
When you grow up im ready to go