originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The door where the Templar would usually stand was open as well.
[b]Anyone… Help…[/b]
[b]xerox runs to the door[/b] "This is solar, I'm coming to save you."
This signal became clearer. [b]Trying to get someone… but I hear static. Leads… that whenever someone tries to make cont… it's replaced with static[/b]
[b]she tries again as she reaches the gorgons labyrinth[/b] "Hello? Cam you hear me?"
[b]Been in here for… hours. I feel myself fad… my light burns brig… if anyone's out there look for a… in the Go… 's Labyri…[/b]
[b]xerox begins to look in the area for him, just to be safe, she activates her guardian disguise[/b]
A Vex Gate light glowed in the distance.
[b]xerox walks to it while keeping a grip on her sword[/b]
Dozens of Vex stood guard. [b]Outside gate… sure there are Vex… waiting… [/b]
[b]xerox curses and charges the vex, tearing through them[/b]
[b]Gate open.. Tried going through… me back in… room so small…[/b]
[b]xerox finishes the last of the vex and walks to the gate[/b]
The signal grew stronger.
[b]she reaches to the gate while talking into her comms[/b] "I am right outside the gate, can you hear me?"
[b]I hear… again… out there..?[/b]
"I say again, can you hear me?"
[b]Static… possible transmission… outside… [/b]
[spoiler]outside? As in outside the vault?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah[/spoiler] [b]Someone may be… finally…[/b]
[b]xerox begins to leave the vault[/b]
[spoiler]Cuase he's inside the gate and outside would be the Vault. In case I wasn't clear.[/spoiler] [b]I don't know how long… there are other rooms… me out...[/b]
[spoiler]I didn't understand, thanks for explaining it[/spoiler] [b]xerox tracks the signal while she walks[/b] "Can you hear me?"
[b]More static… just need to get though gate… minotaur's guarding… no weapon…[/b]
[b]xerox heads to where the signal is, making sure the disguise is still up[/b]
[spoiler]its coming from the gate[/spoiler] [b]I can't risk… through Minotaur… risky. [/b]
[spoiler]oh[/spoiler] [b]xerox heads to the gate to kill the Minotaur[/b]