[b]All throughout the areas of: Downtown, Tokyotown, Centra and Neo-Centra, Psycho Units are positioned throughout the city. Along with the poles Overwatch have positioned to attract Tempest, they readjust a calibration- to pick up cognitive energy readings.[/b]
"Heh, now we can track Tempest for the experiments and the Psions for the camps. Any activity they try to do here- we'll pick it up. We'll send hunting parties to the Sewers, the Oasis and the Coast." a captain says
"Sir, what about Sector-2?" a soldier says
"Nobody goes there anyways, we'll leave 'em for the mutants" he says with a chuckle.
[spoiler]Vladof voice: SMASH THE OPRESSORS OF THE WORKING MAN!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]
[spoiler]well looks like Shade needs to go on a murder spree[/spoiler]