Edited by Potzy the Toker: 9/21/2015 5:31:51 PMlmfao. No. No they aren't. If you can't shut down a bladedancer you should stop playing PvP. As for Novabombs, pay attention and you might be able to kill the bastard before he can even get his Super off. I've NEVER had any problems fighting those two subclasses. And this is coming from a person who doesn't use offensive Supers in PvP.. you Titan main, you.
Exactly, how can't you shutdown a blade dancer? xD I use gunslinger on ps4 and voidwalker on one, not a Titan, and is still pretty easy to shit them down. I feel bad because I remember those day for me, but unfortunately, destiny doesn't leave much choice but to move on. Now it's sunbreaker, if you don't calm down and HOS, you're going to struggle staying at the top. That's why there's so many now. They are what the bladedancer was in the first month of year one, what striker was most of the year and what voidwalker was at the end of year one was. Sunbreaker is the class to have, like it or not. It's op in ways that haven been seen yet. The whole setup is rather mediocre (similar to sunsinger) but then it's super is crazy. Like Randy Orton out of nowhere.
Lmao. Great analogy.
Geeeez you must be a pvp pro, most people can't shut down blade dancers
It doesn't take a "pvp pro" Just skilled thumbwork and landing plentiful amounts of headshots. An easy strategy, if you're good at timing things, is to prime them for death with a few primary shots, switch to a shotty with good range, blast 'em when just outside their lunge range and mash the thumbstick immediately after. If you timed it right, got lucky, or they were a stupid player, you'll kill them in a most embarrassing and rage-inducing way.
If they are far away then yes, but on most maps you don't have time to land 2-3 head shots and switch to and a shotty and get a shot off before they kill you
Heavy helps too. Control the Heavy.
That's true #heavyOP
Lol. Oh, my Felwinter or Jolder's Hammer can stop blade dancers just fine... IF it's in Iron Banner and levels are up. And IF the bloke is far enough when he supers, or others around are putting some damage on.
And storm caller, and gunslinger, and night stalker. Only non-OP offensive supers are defender and radiance, and both are extremely effective when used properly. Fact of the matter is the subclasses are all OP, and that's ok. Time to pull up the big boy pants and accept the fact that Titans are reasonably dangerous now, as are all the other classes
You sound like a hippy bro, no they aren't lmao. Gunslinger has 3 shot and a fricken timer, Defender may be able to save a team but only in one spot, sunsinger gives you 1 more chances with a buff, bladedacer is the easiest to shut down, storm caller is the second easiest to shut down. Now voidwalker, that's op, it's entire build. But the novabomb itself was crazy. Like a ranged foh, but you can die in the animation and if you do, you keep your super. Striker, a little less op but still op, it can shut down anything, any super and an entire team at once. Finally, theirs the freak of the bunch, the fricken sunbreaker. I don't even need to say how or why because you can just get on pvp as see yourself. Everyone's using it and the people who aren't are struggling. It's hard for me to stay in the top three now, that's crazy
Lol run night stalker or defender and spam suppression. Works on everything. Just cause you can't handle it doesn't mean people who think before acting can't. Seriously do you guys run towards the damn super charged hammer bro when you hear him pop his super? Like damn just do what anyone with half a brain would do and run away from that noise, as you damn well should've learned after playing any amount of time in PvP lol
You are correct. Those ARE the only non-offensive supers. And the only one's I use in PvP. Sunsinger Warlock (my Main) and Defender Titans. Also, you are correct about them being highly effective when used properly. But I can tell you that any good guardian, who is a Titan main(Or not, like me), will know that Titans have always been dangerous. Don't judge a subclass by the people who use it, because it turns out, there are a LOT of people who use Titans and completely suck at the game, period. People like that are the reason why FoH is considered a joke when it was easily the second most deadly super in the game pre-TTK, only topped by Bladedancers' Super, before they got super-nerfed. That hammer is the new Thorn crutch.. Accept that fact, and get over it. It WILL be rebalanced.
Lol thorn was a constant threat and HoS is the second most regulated kill method in the game. There is no comparison. Titans were shafted for a year in terms of supers, neither had the safety or kill potential of others. Fact is your hunter/lock ass is scared cause there's another player
Uh.. No. Fear has nothing to do with any of this. Y'know, considering it's a video game?? And like I've mentioned, a skilled player will not disagree with me about the danger that pre-TTK Titans presented. Face the facts, not the people. A HUGE portion of players all main Titans, except, only a fraction of those players are actually skilled, giving Titans a shit-tastic reputation because most Titan-users suck and want better/buffed shit. "Titans were shafted for a year in terms of Supers" That is opinion, not fact. "Second most regulated"?? How so? Explain this to me, because I just gave you ALL the reasons you are horribly incorrect about that statement. Please, do tell.