[spoiler]Cuase he's inside the gate and outside would be the Vault. In case I wasn't clear.[/spoiler] [b]I don't know how long… there are other rooms… me out...[/b]
[spoiler]I didn't understand, thanks for explaining it[/spoiler] [b]xerox tracks the signal while she walks[/b] "Can you hear me?"
[b]More static… just need to get though gate… minotaur's guarding… no weapon…[/b]
[b]xerox heads to where the signal is, making sure the disguise is still up[/b]
[spoiler]its coming from the gate[/spoiler] [b]I can't risk… through Minotaur… risky. [/b]
[spoiler]oh[/spoiler] [b]xerox heads to the gate to kill the Minotaur[/b]
[b]dark in here… thankful the gate is lighted…[/b]
[b]xerox looks for the Minotaur[/b] [spoiler]you are making it hard to rp, stop with all the talking and describe things[/spoiler]
[spoiler]hes inside the gate. So is he Minotaur. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]then describe it, don't just have your character talk[/spoiler] [b]xerox walks through the gate[/b]
[spoiler]kek. My bad[/spoiler] Two minotaurs were ahead. They turned and suddenly started shooting.
[b]xerox moves in-between the shots and slashes at the closest one[/b]
It's shield went down and it slammed it's weapon down on Xerox
[b]xerox parries the hit and cuts the Minotaur in half[/b]
The second one shot Xerox's back
[b]the shot destroys her disguise, revealing her as a hive knight[/b]
It shot again,
[b]xerox moves out of the way and charges at it[/b]
It starts shooting rapidly.
[b]xerox blocks most of the shots but a few hit her in the chest[/b]
A hand pulls on the torch hammer before it can shoot again.
[b]xerox reaches it before stabbing it in the center then pulling her sword up[/b]
[b]she falls down one knee while using her sword to support herself[/b] "You're...... Welcome......"
Once he got a better look of her, he backed up. "Please don't kill me."