This is a collection of funny sayings that I have collected over the many years that I have been on The Flood. Please, post your own funny sayings to help build this massive collection.
[b][u]Note:[/u][/b] The * means that I have added a 2nd quote. The more asterisks, the more quotes I have added in that day.
[b][u]Official quote posts:[/b][/u]
[url=]P. 11[/url]
[url=]P. 12[/url]
[url=]P. 13[/url]
[url=]P. 21[/url]
[url=]P. 22[/url]
[url=]P. 35[/url]
[url=]P. 39[/url]
[url=]P. 44[/url]
[url=]P. 58[/url]
[url=]P. 70[/url]
[url=]P. 79[/url]
[url=]P. 82[/url]
[url=]P. 86 + Epic Threads Section[/url]
[url=]P. 88[/url]
[url=]P. 89[/url]
[url=]P. 99[/url] (Current)
[url=]P. 103[/url]
[b][u]Flood Sayings Pictures[/b][/u]
[url=]April Fool's Day, 2009[/url]
[url=]Grow up?[/url]
[url=]Secret Facepalm[/url]
[url=]Wrong forum, moderator[/url]
[url=]Shall not stop full page[/url]
[url=]Crusade Ended[/url]
[url=]Yoozel and Halcyon argue.[/url]
[url=]Speak American![/url]
[url=]Inb4 lol ownage[/url]
[url=]Ban those "guys"[/url]
[url=]Who what when where why?[/url]
[url=]Don't Ask Flood for Advice[/url]
[url=]Flud r Dumd[/url]
[url=]You have PhD?[/url]
[url=]A World Without [Blank][/url]
[url=]Something funny[/url]
[url=]Black Dot[/url]
[url=]Poop soda[/url]
[url=]Classifieds are dead[/url]
[url=]Massive banhammer[/url]
[Edited on 12.14.2012 1:51 AM PST]
I love this thread...but...Just...peoples stupidity... *facenail*
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazyPeanut [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jet Wave [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh Slender Man Do something![/quote] "Dance -blam!-, dance!"[/quote] Fix'd to The Offspring version.[/quote] "Dance, monkey, dance!"
[quote][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] munk07 I was suspended from matchmaking because they said I left too many games, though I never leave games. I am not a RAGE QUITER! I also was put on the blacklist again, though I was using the Flood Forums.. I hate bungie for Banning people who boost. First of all. The boosting does not effect gameplay. I hate bungie for not making the armor effect gameplay. I hate bungie for being bungie and being -blam!-. I hate how they listen to kids who suck at this game, and change the whole !UBER_BLAM! game so the kids can actually get a kill. I hate bungie for giving the recon out to everyone and not making it a cool armor anymore, because everyone has it. [I really like that armor and I hear -blam!- all the time. 'Why do you wear that armor, its -blam!-, everyone has it.'] And that is why I hate bungie.[/quote] [b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 I know someone who needs a hug![/quote] Epic Win. [Edited on 12.20.2010 2:33 PM PST]
The Reznov ones were epic.
[url=] Coup takeover [/url] Made me laugh.
I will [i]never[/i] sch for myself in there again... far too much of a mind-ache.
Wow this is amazing, i feel like it wouldve taken you a longggggg time [url=]Click here for Magic![/url]
[url][/url] Thread made me lol a bit.
There is over 9000 cokes vs pepsi threads
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr TimothyLeary Here's a tip. If you find yourself questioning whether or not a topic is suitable for the flood. It isn't.[/quote]
me: "I will drown myself in a pool of cheese if i dont find out"
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lord of dahorde Thank you Livestron3.[/quote] :D I like you! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ODST ROOKIE 1911 This is the best thread when you're bored and want to read something funny.[/quote] And agreed. I think I've read through every page of quotes. Nice job, Door(:
This is the best thread when you're bored and want to read something funny.
Thank you Livestron3.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kal0r57 if you had an apple with a staw n you poked the apple though with it and a pebble hadnt dropped thru it'd stop straw inside the apple because gravity cant apple?[/quote] Now my Coup. ^^
In [url=]this[/url] thread... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SuperGodlyRAH Can we vote again? I'd like our leader to be able to spell 'leader'.[/quote]
hey i just found this, its pretty funny :P [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mikey Starr 340 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathBySniper [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ki113r He said: "[b]My moms dad[/b] you peice of -blam!-, I'm going to find where you live and kill you."[/quote] Beware. His mom's dad.[/quote] His mom's a dad? May god help you OP.[/quote]
This was pretty funny.
there is many stuff that are epic on the flood
LMAO! Recon Number 54 is such a badass! I SALUTE YOU GOOD SIR!
[url=]funny thread lock by 117[/url]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ebb and Flow [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Minerva This is just pathetic. Have some godamned dignity. [/quote]Says the girl who blasted her tits in a private group and got pissy when the picture was posted elsewhere. Pot calling the kettle black?[/quote]
[url=] Fix'D Roll[/url]
Should it not be "Achronos hates Megablocks" ?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ReverendBenDover [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mister Math [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ReverendBenDover [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mister Math Math nerds > other nerds. [/quote] Not nerds > Math nerds > other nerds.[/quote]Not nerds can't do math as well as math nerds. Your argument is invalid. [/quote] Not nerds get laid. Your argument is also invalid. :3[/quote] Ooh, add this.