We have Oryx on Farm! currently lf 290+ skilled players to join the clan and prep for HM
Our clan consists of dedicated players, whom are professionals from many other platforms. We are a group of hometown friends that started out destroying content and met skilled guardians along the way. With the King's Fall Raid out finally, we've decided to bring in a few skilled/aware members who vision is much like ours. Mature Adults who enjoy having fun, making jokes and getting to know one another when not raiding or pvp. Its all fun and games but when the push comes for end game we lace up and get to work. It's pretty simple, if you have been an above average gamer your entire life, or always have the motive to be the best at something you acquire so much time with, then this is a place for you. We're looking for a few members who like to take interest in endgame content, such as making sure your prepped, whether it's with synths, proper weapons, and knowledge of the fights because you've done some research. Applying 24 hours into Destiny a day is obviously not required, we understand it's suppose to be fun but all i know is I have the most fun dominating bosses and having the newest gear to maximize my players abilities. If you are this type of guardian then this is the place for you!!
Please send Swizznasty89 a msg in-game after requesting to join so we can take it from there. Feel free to join, we do a lot of activities together, crucible , raiding, bounties, story whatever it may be but remember we are looking for a few people around 290+ light level right now to join our current raid team. Our leaders are also willing to have more then one raid group . Whether you're looking for a cool place to kick it, or to kick the ish out of Oryx feel free to join.
For all Members we also help gear up and get ready for multiple raid teams or substitutions so there will always be open spots in our clan. We're also not one of those 100+ people clans who do absolutely nothing together. Everyone is welcome! Msg Swizznasty89 in game or on Bungie to talk about raid team. Request to join for an acceptance and we'll take it from there. Good hunting Guardians and let there be light!
Lets Get it done!!!