What do people find appealing about her? After Benghazi and the email scandal, how can people trust her, and why would they vote for her over Democrats?
I can't remember when exactly, but Bill Clinton had recently been elected President and a major news media was interviewing them as a couple. When asked if she would be baking cookies, she almost took the reporter's head off. Anyway.. Blah blah blah and she was asked what she would be doing to assist her husband and she said "WE are the President"... Like Bill would have to run his ideas through her for her approval or he would have to submit her ideas for THEIR agenda. I've searched YouTube but can't find this interview. She had her fingers in a lot of politics then. She was head of the (closed door) meetings about universal health care in the mid 90s and there were questions about why private files of political enemies were found in her office. Scandals were a thing for her even then... White Water, insider stock deals etc. She was an attorney in the panel investigating Watergate and was asked to leave by the lead attorney for her unethical behavior. People need to dig into her past, the media sure won't.