-You see Theron push him off-
"Hashmael Warum bist du hier"
-You see there talking in a language you don't understand-
Hashmael: "ich könnte dich nicht verlassen Theron"
"Uh oh"
Theron: "Ich bin froh , dich zu sehen , aber warum hast du mir folgen" Hashmael: "Ich musste Sie sparen" -You see Theron is crying-
" hehehe what a loser" - daego pulls a drink out of the fridge and watches-
Hashmael: "Theron ist dies Ihre idiotischen Freund" Theron: "Ja bist Daego" -Theron starts laughing a bit-
" English please?"
-They both start laughing-
-ivan steps in- " daego uhhh i found these girls whos willing to fu- " sees the brother-" who dat"
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/22/2015 3:26:50 AMHashmael: "Bist zein Bruder Daego" Theron: "Ja Hasmael bist Daego's Bruder Ivan" Hasmael: "Ivan Der russische Namen" Theron: "He wants to know if your names originally russian Ivan"
-ivan- " yes, i was one of the mafia leaders why?"
Hashmael: "Erm Russian men strong right" -You can tell he's trying to speak english-
" it depends me and daego both are the same in that way but daegos body is different like his blood."
Hashmael: "But you strong man"
" i guess so. Hold up i can help you with the speech." -he pulls out a pill and throws it at him- " i used it when i came i here"
-He takes it- Hashmael: "Much better now then" -You see he throws you and Ivan through a wall-
" hmmmm im gonna talk to Elizabeth
Theron: "She's doing something also this is Hashmael My little brother" Hashmael: "Sup" -He turns around and you can see his face-
" wow its like brother reunion this week"
Hashmael: "Hmm" -He punches you in the stomach- Hashmael: "er ist stark" Theron: "Ja, he compliments your strength"
- dosent react- " hmmm thanks" -pimp slaps him really hard- " ye he cool ight lets go have fun with them ivan"
Hashmael: "Was meint er damit Spaß zu haben" Theron: "Nichts, was Sie wissen müssen über, He was wondering what you were doing"
- ivan- " well i was the drug trafficker, involved in producing and dealing kap 8, killing alot of people, and corruption in government"
Hashmael: "Erm Then you bad Man"
-he shrugs- " you should have seen daego, he was way worse. Like genocide"
-You see him put on his helmet and grab you and daego and throw you both through a wall- Theron: "Shouldn't have said anything"
- ivan and daego look at eachother and laugh and nod. Ivan turns on dubsteb and they pounce. Ivan using brawler skills and daego using acrobatic skills to jump on his back and pulls out an orb which burns the suit-