The passive, exotic perk on Insurmountable Skullfort, known as Improved Transfusion, is currently broken on the year 2 variant.
The passive on your character screen reads 'gain an additional melee charge'
Playing as a Defender Titan, you visually charge up to two punches. However:
1. If you have two fully charged melee attacks, one use of the Defender Disintegrate skill will use up both charges.
2. If you have one fully charged melee skill and one partially charged one, a single skill use will cause you to lose all progress to the second charge.
It's very likely that both the above observations are linked to the same issue.
[edit] To be clear, my defender Disintegrate melee skill is set to Unbreakable and the Skullfort is the year 2 exotic.
Ooh ok