- ivan- " well i was the drug trafficker, involved in producing and dealing kap 8, killing alot of people, and corruption in government"
Hashmael: "Erm Then you bad Man"
-he shrugs- " you should have seen daego, he was way worse. Like genocide"
-You see him put on his helmet and grab you and daego and throw you both through a wall- Theron: "Shouldn't have said anything"
- ivan and daego look at eachother and laugh and nod. Ivan turns on dubsteb and they pounce. Ivan using brawler skills and daego using acrobatic skills to jump on his back and pulls out an orb which burns the suit-
-You see the orb doesn't affect the suit as much as he dodges the hit and grabs daego and slam them together-
- they both seem unfazed- " hmmm use it now? " " yeah i wanna see something" - ivan throws daego blindingly fast and daego kicks him denting his helmet ivan is moving and grapples the wall, pulling it and hitting him hard-
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/22/2015 3:48:06 AM-He seems unfazed by this and grabs the grapple and pulls Ivan while headbutting Ivan-
- ivan smiles- " YEAHHHH BABYY SOO GOOOOOD DAEGO USE IT NOWWWWW" - daego smiles and cuts himself which melts the visor, they proceed to beat the unprotected spot-
-You see him smile and then he grabs you both and throws you into a nearby building-
- daego uses his acrobatic skills and catches ivan-" armor" - ivan pulls out the hellbringer and shoots the armor with accuracy and precision-" beat" - they continue an onslaught that is horrendous. They hold nothing back and show no emotion in their eyes"
-You see when he stands up that the armor absorbed most of the damage and he surrenders- "Well that was fun"
-they both smile and nod-" yes it was" -they say it at the same time