Looking to complete Court of Oryx quest. The rewards for this is an Artefact 300. Please leave comments below if anyone would like to do it. I am sure many people have not done this yet.
Warlock 286 looking to do all psn eston075
Wanna do tier 1 upwards anyone willing to help? I'm a 275 hunter Inv me if so ItsNotMeFelipe
293 light hunter looking to do antiquated rune. have a warlock with me. msg me if u have rune
add pilten92 need help antiquated rune
Add Ratherwin
You can get all 3 done by just hanging around for a while until people gather slowly. 4 people did tier 3
join badla92 need help antiquated rune
Need for tier 2 the 3 please be 290
295 Hunter Need help with Stolen and Antiquated rune! PSN: Caoskungen
I need help with tier 3 add Satsui_Rage
I need this. Add and invite name above.