Yep see problem been waiting for a fix but no word as of yet other than contradicting replies from bungie help
They aren't going to fix it unless the xbox 360 gets a update and adopts the xbox one's operating system indicating which one is a home console. Everyone knows the word so I'm not going to say it but as a software / developer they have loss alot of money because of this xbox 360 ability to "share". Some of us has another more problem like when I play with my 360 or one friends I have to pay $80 so I can play on either console. Yeah right I finally gave in and purchased it on the 360 since more of my friends are still on the past gen console. I really hope they do this one last time and say whoever purchased the TTK DLC on the 360 will get it for the one. Will it happen I doubt it. They already have our money you think they care? Because of this fiasco Luke Smith is bobbing and weaving the poor choice of words on his interview and laughing his ass off.
Well good thing I haven't payed yet. I can laugh my ass off when I complain to them. Now they have to acknowledge me. Until they fix this absurd and ridiculous Problem/Decision I'm not buying anymore of their products. I truly love Destiny but if Bungie is gonna be like this is it really worth going through all of this?